

Do brittle stars' arms regrow

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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yes they do and so do yours!

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Q: Do brittle stars' arms regrow
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Related questions

How do brittle stars get food?

With there arms.

What do brittle stars use to catch food?

The arms are used for grasping food and for locomotion.

How does a brittle star catch its food?

Brittle stars move by swaying their arms, or as they are called tentacles, side to side.Some smaller brittle stars "go with the flow" or move with the current because they are not strong enough to move by themselves or fight the current to go the way they want to go.

What is the difference between the brittle stars and the basket stars?

Brittle stars crawl and basket stars do not move or crawl.

Are Brittle stars cold blooded?

yes,brittle stars are cold blooded.

Scientific name of brittle star?

The scientific name of brittle stars is Ophiuroidea. They are echinoderms closely related to sea stars, but have long, flexible arms that they use for movement and feeding.

How do brittle stars gather food?

Brittle stars have many differerent modes of feeding. Some species are detrus feeders, meaning they feed on organic material suspended in the water (dead organisms, fecal matter). Some are carnivorous and some are suspension feeders that anchor to the bottoms with one or two arms and suspend the other arms into the water. The food sticks to brittle stars tube feet and the spines and then they use their tube feet to clean the food of the spines and bring it to their mouth.

Are brittle stars asexual or sexual?

Some brittle stars breed asexually. Most brittle stars are either male or female however some species are hermaphroditic.

Can sea star regrow missing arms?


What is the biggest threat for brittle stars?

Some predators of the Brittle Star are: fish, crabs, hermit crabs, mantis shrimp, sea stars and other brittle stars. Brittle stars can regenerate limbs that are broken by predators.

Are brittle stars endangered?


How big can a brittle star?

Brittle stars, or ophiuroids are echinoderms, closely related to sea stars. The ophiuroids generally have five long slender, whip-like arms which may reach up to 60 centimeters (2 feet) in length on the largest specimens. They are also known as serpent stars. There are some 1,500 species of brittle stars living today, and they are largely found in deep waters more than 500 metres (1,650 feet) down.