

Do cows have 6 legs

Updated: 8/11/2023
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12y ago

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Rarely you find reports on the news and in the media of a "cow" (or any bovine, really) that has an extra set of legs in addition to the four that are already there. This occurs when a cow has twins in her uterus, primarily maternal twins, and one of the twins either hasn't fully separated from the other, or that the other twin, usually the smaller, hasn't completely been reabsorbed into the other, resulting in these freak accidents of a calf being born with a couple extra set of appendages that obviously do not belong to that calf in the first place. Occasionally siamese calves have also been born, but usually these calves do not survive long after birth.

Normally though, a cow (and a bull, steer, heifer and calf) has four legs, not six. Cows are mammals, not insects, which means they are only inheritably and genetically capable of having four limbs, not six or, heaven forbid, even eight.

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12y ago

No, like most mammals cows normally have only four legs. However, developmental mutations can occur in which the front legs or the back legs are duplicated, resulting in the calf having six legs. If the calf is born alive, the legs may get in the calf's way and need to be surgically removed.

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The easier they can support their weight with, not to mention be mobile with. It's very difficult for an animal on just its toes to stand on to balance on two legs. It's much easier and efficient to have weight supported on four legs rather than two or even three.

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lol ^

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11y ago

A Cow. All cattle have 4 leg unless deformed

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A normal bovine has four legs.

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4- one on each corner.

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