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i realy dont know but i would like to know. if any one know why email me at thank you

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Q: Do mongooses eyes turn red when they are mad?
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Why does a mongooses eyes turn red?

Yes, but only if they become mad or angry.

Why do mongoose eyes turn red?

their eyes turn red when they get mad or when they are fighting a snake such as a cobra that is their natural enemy.

Why do jase's eyes turn red?

because he has blue eyes but when he gets mad his blue eyes turn to red. That what people with blue eyes have not other color eyes

What are Edward Cullen 's eyes when he is mad?

they are red i think cause if they are gold then that means that their thirsty No, they don't turn red at all. Only vampires who feed off of humans have red eyes. 'Vegitarian' vamps have gold/topaz eyes. They turn black when they're thirsty, and gold/topaz when they're not thirsty. And Edward's eyes don't change color when he's mad. Just when he's thirsty. Apparently the first person has never read Twilight.....

Can anger make a person's eyes turn red?

Yes as a anasthgiologist graduate from Yale i can assure you that the enzymes in your eyes combine with the hormones let off when angry it causes a chemical reaction to your eyes resulting in a pupilia hemotoma (eye bruise)

Why do blue eyes turn red?

Answer When they're hot hot hot! Or...when they have been crying or the person has bad allergies....maybe when they're mad too! ;-)

Why do your eyes turn red after swimming in a pool with chlorine why don't they turn pink or purple or blue?

Because the colour of the blood vessels that cause your eyes to turn red are red.

Do the eyes of moose turn red when they are angry?


What does it mean when a mongoose turn its eyes red?

they are angry.

Do the twilight vampiers have injections to turn their red eyes?


Why do your eyes turn red everyday?

no why would u ask that

Why does edward say his eyes change colour to Bella?

When he is thirsty for blood, his eyes turn from gold to black. When vampires drink human blood their eyes are red, and when they start to turn amber afte a couple months, and eventually turn to gold.