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The actual meat has almost not fat, it is nearly pure muscle. It is the skin covering the meat that contains the fat.

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Q: How Much Body Fat Does A Chicken's Breast Have?
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Related questions

How does too much body fat affect your health?

Body fat affects your health because with too much body fat, you will get bigger and bigger until youll be limited to do most wonderful things in life. plus, youll be in great risk of getting breast cancer or diabetes.

How much fat in baked chicken breast?

about 0.39 grams of fat.

How much do fat injections cost?

how much does it cost to remove your fat from your body to your butt

Why does your breasts get smaller when you exercise?

Breast size will only potentially decrease from exercise if there is fat loss. Breasts are mostly fatty tissue. Exercise sometimes decreases body fat, decrease in body fat may in turn reduce breast size. If the exercise does not incur fat loss, breast size will not be reduced by it.

How much do breast reductions cost?

It depends up on the surgery and how much fat can be required from the breast.

Do dairy products increase breast size?

No. Your breast size is genetically determined. 1/3 of your breast consist of fat tissue, the other 2/3 is breast tissue. If you gain weight, the fat in your breast will grow along with the fat in other parts of your body and your breasts will become larger. If you lose weight, your breasts will become smaller.

Why do men get breast?

Men get breasts because they are fat and eat to much

How do you know how much body fat you have?

you know how much body fat you have my sucking a dick.

Is a lump in a woman's breast less likely or impossible to be fat necrosis if the breasts are small and don't have much fat tissue?

AnswerIt is possible that you have breast cancer.

How to reduce Male breast fat?

Some men with unusually large breast tissue might have a condition called gynecomastia, and that can be determined by your doctor. Unfortunately, there is no way to "spot reduce" fat, meaning to reduce fat only in one area of the body. General weight loss will usually reduce the size of male breast fat, as well as from fat all over the man's body. Doing chest muscle exercise will enhance the muscle under the fat, but will not reduce it any further than any other exercise. The only way to reduce male breast fat is to see your doctor about liposuction.

What exactly is flap breast reconstruction surgery?

A flap breast reconstruction surgery is actually when you use tissue, skin, fat and muscles from other parts of the body to build the breast out to make your breast bigger.

Can males devlop breasts too?

Yes males can develop breast tissue. This usually happens when the male has a lot of body fat as body fat creates estrogen (the female hormone) and in turn they develop breast tissue due to high levels of estrogen.