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Organic farmers do use pesticides, they just use the ones approved for organic production, such as Bt insecticides.

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Q: How do organic farmers cope without using pesticides?
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How do you protect birds from pesticides?

All you can do is to stop using pesticides or restrict their use..

What would happen if you killed all bats?

Please look up information before reporting that bats are not useful. The potential extinction of America's bats is more than just a conservation issue. During spring and summer bats eat more than half their body weight in insects every night to store up fat reserves for the long winter hibernation. If America's bats die out scientists say the loss to the farming industry would be devastating. Bats are one of nature's greatest pesticides, while they are awake from hibernation (180 days or so), a million little brown bats will eat - and this is a conservative estimate - in the region of 500 tons of insects. Imagine if all the bats died...our food prices would skyrocket. The cost to farmers for pesticides would increase tremendously. The University of Boston, using a test study compiled over eight counties in Texas, believes the US farming industry will go from spending $1bn a year on pesticides to $9bn.

How is plants benefical?

One negative effect is that deforestation, cutting down trees, is a major cause of global warming and climate change, as growing trees and vegetation is the only way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.One positive effect is that you can build homes or have crops.

What are the pros and cons of using Pestacides?

Pesticides can be both beneficial and harmful. On the pro side, they help crop yield by eliminating pests that would eat the crops, such as the boll weevil, or various worms that attack corn, carrots, cabbage and other produce. This provides more food for the population. The con side is that pesticides often contain toxic chemicals that work their way into the food supplies and ground water. These chemicals can cause disease and death in humans.

How do you stop moths from eating your sons bassinet without using moth balls?

Try cedar chips

Related questions

What is organic textiles?

organic Cotton is grown without using pesticides from plants which are not genetically modified

How are organic products grown?

Organic products are grown without using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

How do you grow organic vegetables?

Organic simply means grown without using pesticides or synthetic fertilisers.

Instead of using pesticides what do farmers use?

Although organic farmers do in fact typically use some pesticides, they are greatly limited in what kinds of pesticides they are allowed to use. They therefore have to typically use lots of hand labor in the production of their crops. This is one reason why organic produce, for example, tends to be a little more costly than its counterpart.

Is apple an organic food?

Apples may be organic or inorganic, depending on how they are grown. If they are grown without using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, they are organic.

Why do farmers avoid using pesticides?

farmers avoid using pesticides because it is a chemical made in factories. It reduces the fertility of the soil and it also kills useful bacteria already present in the soil.AnswerUS farmers mainly avoid pesticides primarily due to their cost of both purchase and application. If any particular pest is not prevalent enough in the field to pay for the pesticide use, he will not apply it. Also, organic farmers must avoid using non-approved pesticides in order to have their crop be "certified."

Why is organic food organic?

Organic food is organic because it was grown without using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, if the organic food is processed, it does not have additives and preservatives that are not organic. It is non-GMO.

What is the difference between normal cotton and organic cotton?

The only difference - is that the organic cotton has been grown without the use of artificial pesticides etc. Farmers have used natural products (eg natural fertilizers) to aid growth, and using other insects to keep pests under control rather than use manufactured pesticides.

Why are organic materials considered environmentally healthy?

Organic foods are grown without using any chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Many people prefer them for this reason.

What does non-organization mean?

Non organic fruit is fruit that has been grown using pesticides, which are used for keeping away insects that will try to eat the fruit. Organic fruit is fruit that has been grown without any harmful pesticides. Organic fruit is much better and healthier to eat than non organic fruit, as pesticides are often absorbed into the fruit and this can harm you, so eat organic fruit without any pesticides in it. Ladybirds will usually eat insects that try to snack on organic fruit, hedgehogs will eat slugs and snails etc. etc.

How is organic food produced?

Making organic meat involves feeding the animals natural products, and other things that dont have chemicals in them. Animals that produce the Non-organic meat are often fed things like grain or feed enhanced with chemicals that can make them sick or unhealthy.

How do you keep bugs away without using pesticides?

Some of the best ways to keep bugs away without using pesticides in the garden, are to use egg shells and organic products such as used coffee grounds. The acidic nature will help ward off bugs.