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Prove to your mom that you are responsible enough to care for a rabbit:

  • Help out with chores and do all your regular chores without being reminded
  • Learn all about rabbits - how to care for them, how much they cost on average, etc.
  • Put together a PowerPoint Presentation about rabbits and why you want them, how you'll pay for one and if you have time for one. (I tried this and it worked.)

There is a website called "costhelper" where you can find the average cost of a rabbit by searching with the keyword "rabbit."

However, the prices they give on "costhelper" may not apply to you. (Where I live, things are more expensive like a 3lb bag of pellets costs me $13, not $5). If you do the market research and find out how much things cost for you, then you can use the spreadsheet on the "TRC Rabbit Finances" website to calculate your total.

See links and related questions below for more info.

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14y ago

convince them that you will take care of it and how you will take care of it, what you will do if they let you have one, and why you want one, but bunnies can make good pets if you take care of them and they can not be very entertaining, even though they are cute. They aren't that affectionate towards humans and they are stinky (only if you don't clean the cage).

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12y ago

The only right way to convince your parents to let you get a rabbit is to prove to them that you're responsible enough to take care of one.

Rabbits are really cute and sweet, so it's natural to want one as a pet! But pets are not something to take lightly. Bringing home a rabbit is about a lot more than just buying it, buying a cage, and feeding it every day. Rabbits are living creatures: they're able to feel pain, boredom, frustration, loneliness, and suffering. If you bring home a pet and then neglect it (that means not taking care of it properly), YOU will the cause of that animal's suffering! Neglect is not just something that happens on purpose: a person can mean well, and can do all the things they think a rabbit needs, but in fact they may be neglecting that rabbit and they could cause illness and even death just because they don't actually know the truth about how to care for bunnies!

If you think you're ready to take on caring for another living being, then it's time to start researching rabbit care and behaviour! Everyone has to do this before they get a rabbit, but since you have parents to convince on top of that, think about presentation: maybe treat it like a school project and make a report and prepare a presentation. Give the presentation and report to your parents and hopefully when they see that you understand what having a pet rabbit really means, they'll be convinced and let you have one!

DO NOT trick your parents into letting you have a pet rabbit. For example, other people have suggested to buy the rabbit first and then ask them for it later, or tell your parents you'll go into a deep depression without a rabbit, but this is WRONG! Maybe you don't care about tricking your parents, but in this case, it will be the rabbit that suffers the consequences. You have to go through the process of preparing and researching rabbits or else YOU SHOULD NOT have a rabbit!

As you research rabbits, consider these questions:

  • What is a healthy diet for rabbits?
  • What dangers (inside and outside) do rabbits need to be protected from?
  • What goes inside a rabbit's enclosure (i.e. a cage, hutch, "condo," exercise pen, room, etc.)
  • When should a rabbit see a vet?
  • What kind of maintenance, grooming, and/or first aid at home does a rabbit require?
  • What should you do when you notice the rabbit is sick and your regular vet isn't available?
  • Do rabbits need or like to live with other animals?
  • How much will a rabbit cost per year? How much will the start-up costs be (the rabbit itself, the cage, dishes, etc.)?
  • How long do rabbits live?
  • What will you do with the rabbit when you go on vacation?

If you can answer all of these questions thoroughly and with specific details, and if there's room in your home, I bet your parents will let you have a rabbit!

Tell your parents you will take care of it and feed it all the time, and that you're responsible -- but telling isn't enough: you have to show them! Tell your parents that rabbits around the world are being left alone in shelters and need a home -- but also show them how you'll take care of those needy rabbits! It's better for rabbits to be in shelters than in a neglectful home.

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13y ago

If you already have a pet then you have to take care of those pets all by youself to prove to your parents that you can handle taking care of another one. If they say no then you need to do work around the house, because when they see you working so hard they might just change there minds. If they got you a birthday present that you didnt like then you should tell them that so they will get you a bunny to make up for the bad present.

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12y ago

One person wrote: There's only one way to convince anyone of anything: find out exactly what their objections are, and then prove them wrong.

For example, if your parents don't want to give you a rabbit, they must have a reason, so find out what it is. Maybe their reason is that they don't think you'll be able to take care of the rabbit. What you should do, then, is research all aspects of rabbit care and behaviour, plan out every detail of how you'll take care of the rabbit, and present all that information to your parents, as though it were a school report. Maybe that doesn't sound fun, but you have to prove that you're responsible: how do you do that but by doing work? Work and responsibility go hand in hand.

If you can do all that, the pay off is worth it because bunnies in shelters need your help and they're really such a cute pet!

Another person wrote: well if you want one really badly, then just ask firmly, say that you will take care of it. If they say no then do some research and make a paper saying information about rabbits and also say why you want them and what i say to my parents is that if you don't take care of it (with A LITTLE help from your parents - buying the supplies.....) then they can take it back and give it away. If that doesn't work, be a kiss up but try not to mention the rabbit thing. Just start cleaning the living room and set the dinner table and help around the house and yard and your other pets (if you have any others) but don't mention the rabbit for your birthday then they might think you deserve the rabbit, and they might get it. if this doesn't work then i don't know what to tell you

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13y ago

By showing them how responsible you are

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