

How do you treat aggressive fin rot in Betta fish?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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You should immediately test your water parameters. There should be no ammonia, no nitrates, and the water should be mildly soft. Make sure you use water conditioners on any water changes.

If there are harmful levels of nitrites or ammonia in the water, immediately perform a water change or isolate the fish into a sick tank. Treat fin rot with Betta Fix or Melafix. (I prefer Melafix) These medicines can be found at large chain pet stores and often at local fish stores. Treat once a day for seven days, or according to the instructions on the medicine you are using. Test your water often, and make sure it's clean.

You can speed your betta's recovery and prevent other infections by keeping the water steady at a temperature, try to hold it at a point between 82 and 84 degrees F. Using small amounts of aquarium salt (but not sea salt!) in the water helps prevent further infections. It's like Gatorade for your fish, giving them electrolytes and carbohydrates.

Keep your fish in a quiet corner, away from excessive stress and activity, until he's recovered.

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Q: How do you treat aggressive fin rot in Betta fish?
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By not adding other fish? You'll be surprised that in most cases its the betta who is the victim. Betta is such slow swimmer and they have large fin, which makes them perfect target for fin nippers. Although, you can add bottom feeders such as Corydoras catfish into the same tank as a betta, they do not occupy the same level.

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male betas fight other fish, period. only the females are safe!AnswerI find bettas to be a good community fish IF there are no fin-nippers, other longfinned fish, or other anabantids in the aquarium. Bettas will fight with long-finned fish and anabantids of any breed, and fin-nippers will attack the Betta. Also, don't put the Betta in the tank with a fish that can eat it. I had to house a Betta in a tank full of Jack Dempseys. No damage to Betta or Jack Dempseys resulted, and Dempseys are aggressive predators. As to the original question...the only reason I am going to say no is it's a five-gallon aquarium, which is REAL small. Glo-fish are just genetically modified zebra danios, which get along well with bettas.AnswerSome answers are really misleading. Sure, certain betta can be psycho killers that will kill everything in the same aquarium.However, when you put a betta and a bunch of Glo-fish in the same tank, the problem will not come from the Betta.Glo-fish are genetically engineered Zebra Danio. They can be aggressive Fin-nippers ! Betta's long fin will make perfect target!On the top of that, Zebra Danios are 5x faster than a Betta at top speed. Slow moving Beta will never be able to catch a Zebra Danio.To decrease Glo-fish aggression, a school of 6 or more is recommended. Even that will not decrease the aggression to 0.A 5 gallon aquarium is also too small for Zebra Danios. Since they need room to move around a lot at high speed. Small sized aquarium will increase their aggression as well. They are good school fish and add lots of movement to your aquarium. They are nice to have, you just need a big enough aquarium and be careful about them being around other fish with long-fin.

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Siamese fighters (Betta splendens) do well in community tanks provided the other fish are peacefull and don't fin nip.

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There are some. I believe your beta fish's tail is torn because of fin rot. There is a cure for that in pet stores.

Why does a betta fish loose it color?

It probably has fin rot. Ask an employee at the petstore, get the fish some medicine. Also, if you are ever in Chelmsford, stop by Fins & Feathers Pet Store. They are the best. Tell them Erin sent you.