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Q: How does fragmentation in sponges differ from reproduction in reptiles?
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How does the frog differ from reptiles?

Frogs have smooth skin but reptiles have scales.

Are sponges sexual are asexual?

they r sexual...because the reproductive organs in the male and female sponges differ from one another

How does Conjugation differ from reproduction?

Conjugation does not differ from reproduction as it one of the ways of sexual production. This is where the male and female gametes combine for purposes of reproduction.

Sponges differ from the rest of the animals because?

Sponges are an oceanic animal too. So he fits in with all of the other Spongebob characters. I hope this helped(:

How the seaweeds differ from the other living things?

Seaweeds refers to large marine forms of algae, they differ in other living things in terms of reproduction, at first they multiply simply by asexual reproduction then undergoes at large of sexual reproduction.

How reptiles differ from other animals?

Reptiles have scaly skin that is rough. Also, some Reptiles can shoot their tongue out to get dinner. Reptiles are also cold-blooded animals that lay eggs, unlike mammals, which are warm-blooded and give birth to "live young."

How do shark reproduction differ from fish reproduction?

Sharks can't pump water over thier gills only fish do.

What is a similarity between starfish and sponges?

A sea anenome is a plant, where as a starfish is an animal. Their diets differ and most anenomes can deliver a poisonous shock to another animal.

How does a mammal differ from a reptile?

Reptiles are cold blooded but mammals are warm blooded

How does reproduction in ferns differ from that in mosses?

The reproduction in ferns differs from that in mosses in that it is purely asexual. As for mosses, they reproduce both sexually and asexually.

What type of symmetry do sponges exhibit How does this differ from organisms belonging to phylum Cnidaria Arthropoda?

Sponges are asymmetrical. Organisms in Cnidaria have radial symmetry while organisms in Arthropoda exhibit bilateral symmetry.

How mammals differ from reptiles regarding covering of bodies?

Reptiles have a water proof skin covered with scales. Mammals have a skin covered in fur or hair.