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When your rabbit knows you well then it will not scratch or bite you so just wait till your rabbit gets to know you more

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Q: I have a rabbit that I love a lot but every time I hold her she bites or scratches me and its really frustrating. How can I train her not to do that?
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* Mourn the rabbit * congraduate the snake on his frugalness

Is it true if a rabbit bites you your pregnant?

Stupid questionNo, rabbits can bite anyone, even children. Just because a rabbit bites doesn't mean that your pregnant.

Do squirrels carry rabbies?

rarely but if bites you or scratches u then you should go to the doctor

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Heh heh, I know they are a lot more common than dog bites but I don't think they are worse!

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It has 20 teeth, so it probably bites and scratches.

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Its has to be the cooke's family. In this episode the child hit, bites and scratches supernanny.

Why is washing with soap and water very important for cuts scratches and animal bites?

It is important to wash with soap and water when cleaning cuts, scratches, and animal bites because soap kills the germs that live in these wounds. Without the use of soap, there is a far greater chance of infection.

Where do you hold a rabbit when you are about to pick it up?

By the ears because they won't scratch you NEVER EVER pick a rabbit up by the ears. If you do I will guarantee you scratches AND bites because you are HURTING them. And you risk breaking the cartilage in their ears by doing this. You DO grasp the ears and scruff of the neck to control them only. You pick them up with a hand under their hind- quarters to support all of their weight

Tetanus shot for rat snake bite?

well no because tetanus is a disease caused by rat or snake bites.. i think it may also be caused by other animal scratches or bites.

How do rabbit bites feel?

Rabbit bites feel like any bites from any other animal. They can give you gentle nips or they can bite down hard enough to take off a chunk of your flesh. Rabbits have strong jaws for chewing and they can cause a bit of damage with a bite if they so choose.

Your rabbit bites you is this normal?

Yes. He probably thought your fingers were a juicy carrot. (Seriously)