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Don't panic yet. You may just have a breed that takes longer to mature than regular chickens. If your hens are older than 10 months then you will need to address both living and nutritional factors.

First, make sure the hens have at least 14 hours of light provided, either daylight or artificial. Less than 10 hours per day will retard laying to near zero. If possible allow the birds to free range during daylight hours, at least in an outdoor pen.

Supply a good commercial laying MASH or pellet for a few weeks if they only get scraps and forage now. Make sure the hens have plenty of fresh water available 24 hours per day, water deficient birds will not produce eggs.

Provide laying boxes that are quiet and dark. somewhere the hens can get away from the flock to rest and concentrate on the job at hand.

Try using a water soluble Tonic available from all feed and grain supply stores to boost vitamins, egg production takes a great deal of energy and poorly fed birds will use all theirs just staying away from starvation.

Also it is roughly based around how much light they are getting, how much food they are receiving, try putting a rubber egg in their nesting boxes to get them broody to lay.

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Q: I have laying age hens that are not yet laying. What can I do?
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Is the cold weather a factor in my hens not laying?

Cold weather does effect a hens laying. when the temperature is below 55 degrees or so this can effect a hens production. Mainly though the reduction in hours of daylight causes hens to stop laying. Anything below 14 hours of daylight will cause a hen to stop laying.

What is the average egg laying span of a hen?

Most pullets will begin laying eggs at about 16 to 24 weeks. Egg production peak before age 2 and drop from there. Most hens will stop production at around age 3 with only the occasional egg offered after that. There have been reports of hens laying well past 5 years old but these are exceptions rather than normal.

Does laying mash contain ephedrine?

NO. It would be counter productive to supply an appetite suppressant to laying hens. The whole idea of feeding the hens laying mash is to have them produce better quality eggs not get them to eat less.

Why do hens stop laying?

Hens will either stop laying due to old age, or decreasing sunlight. To keep them laying during winter you have to provide artificial light for them so they think it gets darker at the usual summer time.

When will your aracaunas start laying eggs?

Araucana hens are considered a moderately early maturing breed and will often produce their first egg at about 20 to 24 weeks of age. Purebred Araucana hens are rare so the pullets age at first production will vary depending on the gene mix. Eggs from a purebred Araucana will average 55 grams or small and they are not prolific layers.

Related questions

How can you tell which of your hens are laying?

The hen who is laying will have an inflamed comb. When they stop laying or aren't laying yet, their combs become a pinkish-pale color.

What age should you start feeding your hens laying food?

5 weeks :)

What is female chick called?

Young hens prior to laying age are called pullets.

How many eggs will sixty hens lay in four weeks?

You want your hens are to the age of laying eggs (which is about 6 months), and your hens are under the age of three years (because when they reach this age, they are past their prime, and lay less eggs). Expect from your hens that every day 80% of the number of hens will be your number of eggs. So with this math, if you have 60 hens that are all in their prime, you can expect to get about 1344 eggs in four weeks.

Is the cold weather a factor in my hens not laying?

Cold weather does effect a hens laying. when the temperature is below 55 degrees or so this can effect a hens production. Mainly though the reduction in hours of daylight causes hens to stop laying. Anything below 14 hours of daylight will cause a hen to stop laying.

Do you have to have a roaster to have laying hens?

No you dont

What is the average egg laying span of a hen?

Most pullets will begin laying eggs at about 16 to 24 weeks. Egg production peak before age 2 and drop from there. Most hens will stop production at around age 3 with only the occasional egg offered after that. There have been reports of hens laying well past 5 years old but these are exceptions rather than normal.

What age do hen's begin egg laying?

Hens begin laying at about 18-22 weeks on average, with some as early as 16 weeks and some as late at 25 weeks. influencing factors include breed, amount of sunshine and nutrition. All egg laying chickens should be laying by six months of age.

Do ALL hens make a noise when they lay an egg?

No, not all hens cackle while laying.

Do you a have a rooster to have laying hens?

no. they will lay without a rooster

What are egg laying chickens called?

Layers or Hens.

How many laying hens are there in the UK?

29 million