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Proboly because he is stil TOO YOUNG! But otherwize you should have gotten Fertilized eggs.

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Q: I put my six month old rooster with my hens and didnot get any fertalized eggs?
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Related questions

Why are there no chicks in the eggs you buy and eat?

Because they are not fertalized by a male chicken

What are eggs in reproduction?

they are eggs that travel in the uterous of a female and when fertalized by a mans spearm that creates a baby over time.

A rooster lays 20 eggsthe farmer took 5 eggshow many eggs are there?

15 eggs None, a rooster cannot lay eggs (a rooster is a male)

Does having a rooster make hens lay bigger eggs?

They eggs are the same size as if there is no rooster in the flock.

Why do you need a rooster if all you want is eggs?

You don't, the rooster is only to fertilize the eggs. Also, someone might want a rooster to wake them up in the morning.

Can a chicken produce a chick without a rooster?

No. A chicken can produce eggs without a rooster but she can not produce a chick without her eggs being fertilized by a rooster.

Can an African grey get fertalized without a male?

No, eggs cannot be fertilized without the contribution of a male.

Can rhode island chickens lay eggs without a rooster?

Yes All chickens will lay eggs without the need for a rooster. All a rooster does is fetilize the eggs, it does not induce the hen to lay an egg, she will do this anyway.

What is a rooster needed for?

If eggs are to be incubated for hatch, they must be fertilized. That is where the rooster comes in.

How long will eggs be fertile after you take the rooster away?

The sperm packet is stored in the cloaca of the hen for about 10 days and after that it needs replenishing. After a rooster dies it's progeny can go one for up to 10 more days.

How do you fertillize eggs?

You should let rooster stay with the hen. The rooster will know what to do next.

Does a rooster sit on the egg to fertilize?

No. The rooster has relations with the hen and she lays fertilized eggs