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This is a matter of choice. Some people prefer the hamster because it is not as noisy. Guinea pigs are very vocal. The guinea pig may be favored because of its bigger size. Both animals can make good pets.

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Q: In genaral witch is better a guinea pig or a hamster?
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Which is better guinea pigs or gerbils?

You should get a guinea pig if you have a family they are good with kids and easy to take care of. Hamsters are fun for you to handle on your own because kids could crush or step on them, but warning they chew on your plastic toobs.

What can guinea pigs eat and not eat?

parsley,radishes,celery,apples cut seeds out once i find my guinea pig book ill give you the rest. but why dont you give me youre email adress if you have one heres mine

How old is your guinea pig in guinea pig years?

Guinea pigs normally live about 5-6 years minimum my friend has a 8 year old guinea pig and she's still jumping around being herself. it depends on the pet how long the cavy lives I'm not tooo sure about the years matter about middle aged younger?

Can guinea pigs and bunnys live together?

While there are some breeders who suggest that rabbits and guinea pigs should not be kept together, our experience has been very positive (with one male rabbit and a male and female guinea pig kept together in the same hutch). The reasons sometimes cited for not keeping them together include (a) the guinea pig being hurt (perhaps accidentally) by a wayward kick from the rabbit and/or (b) that guinea pigs kept in isolation can suffer from 'behavioural disorders'. Both animals are social in the wild but countless examples of them being kept either alone or with a member of the other species suggest that success or failure in doing this has more to do with the temperament of the individual animals concerned. Clearly, if being kept together results in repeated fighting, then remove the animals to separate cages. Otherwise, injury will likely result (probably worse for the guinea pig). Also, make sure to provide the guinea pigs with extra vitamin c in the form of foods high in this or supplements in their water. Like I say, our experience has been very positive so far.

What is the anime that has a team of demon-hunters that is lead by a teenage witch with blond pig-tails?

Witch Hunter Robin, perhaps?

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What kind of diet should my teddy bear hamster be on?

My teddy bear hamster Cookie eats "living world" hamster mix witch contains donut treats, pellets, and a big variety of yummy seeds witch he loves!

What is the scientific name for a hamster?

It would be Mesocricetus auratus or the word hamster came from German world hamstern witch means to hoard I hope this helps good luck

How healthy should you're hamster be witch one should you get?

you would probably be able to tell if they are healthy and do not get a dwarf hamster they may be cute but they are most likely to be mean and bitey. any other type of hamster would be fine.

From witch language the word hamster came from?

From the German word Hamastra. The older English name for the animal was the German Rat

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