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The answer below should be that they will all be black: the last portion is right (3 homo. black to 1 het. black) but all the mice will have black coats.

3 black to 1 white, ......B equals black, w equals white, 3homozygous black to 1 heterozygous black.

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Q: In hamsters black coat color is dominant to white coat color A homozygous black hamster is mated with a heterozygous black hamster What will be the possible genotypes and phenotypes of their offspring?
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What crosses will only produce heterozygous offspring?

There only certain crosses that will produce heterozygous offspring. These are heterozygous vs heterozygous, homozygous vs homozygous and heterozygous vs homozygous.

What does genotypic ratio mean?

genotype means genetic make up. it can give the information about the parents wether they were homozygous or heterzygousAnswer (Improved)A genotypic ratio is the proportion of genotypes found in individuals after a cross. For example, consider a cross between two heterozygous individuals for trait A: Aa X AaThe result is a 1:2:1 ratio for the genotypes AA, Aa, and AA respectively. Put another way, if the parents had 100 offspring, 25 would be expected to have the genotype AA, 50 the genotype Aa and 25 the genotype AA.This is hard Good Luck

How can you tell whether a black guinea pig is homozygous or heterzygous when black fur is dominant over white fur?

You could try breeding it with a homozygous recessive partner (hh) Lets assume that you breed the original mystery rabbit with an hh recessive partner, and they have 10 offspring. If the original rabbit is homozygous dominant, it would be HH + hh, which would give all 10 the offspring Hh genotypes, which would give them the dominant hair color. If it was heterozygous dominant, it would be Hh + hh, which would lead to either Hh or hh offspring. This means that in theory, 5 would be dominant colored while the other 5 would not be.

What is the difference fom heterozygous and homozygous recessive?

In genetics, you can either have a dominant allele (A) or a recessive allele (a). Being homozygous means that you have both of either a dominant or a recessive allele (ie you are either AA or aa). If the trait is a recessive trait, then you need to have it be homozygous recessive in order to express that trait. Hope this was helpful! :-)

Can two red fish have green offspring?

if heterozygous, yes

Related questions

A homozygous blue flower BB is crossed with a homozygous white flower bb What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?

Assuming there is no co-dominance or partial dominance, the result would be that 100% of the offspring would be blue, heterozygous flowers with the phenotype Bb.

What crosses will only produce heterozygous offspring?

There only certain crosses that will produce heterozygous offspring. These are heterozygous vs heterozygous, homozygous vs homozygous and heterozygous vs homozygous.

Individual heterozygous for a trait and an individual homozygous recessive for the trait are crossed and produce many offspring?

of two different phenotypes

If dad has freckles and is homozygous and mom has freckles and is heterozygous what phenotypes and genotypes can you expect their offspring?

Alright, I suppose I will do your homework for you.. Here is your punnet square: F F F FF FF f Ff ff Therefore, 3/4, or 75%, offspring will have the phenotype of having freckles, and 1/4, or 25% will have the phenotype of no freckles. And 2/4, or 50%, of the offspring will have the genotype for homozygous for freckles, 1/4, or 25%, of the offspring will carry a heterozygous trait for freckles, and 1/4, or 25%, of the offspring will have the phenotype for homozygous no freckles.

What can you predict about the offspring if you know the genotypes of the parents?

So, if one parent is Aa (heterozygous) and the other parent is aa (homozygous recessive) the punnett square would look like this: ___|_A__|__a_ _a_|_Aa_|_aa_ _a_|_Aa_|_aa_ The genotypes of the offspring 50% heterozygous and 50% homozygous recessive

What phenotype is produce by each of the following genotypes?

The genotype each offspring has is determined by the parents. They can be both homozygous dominant or are they heterozygous and homozygous(dominant or recessive)

How many phenotypes can come from a heterozygous parent and a homozygous recessive parent?

Two types: A heterozygous parent (Aa) and a homoygous recessive parent (aa) can produce phenotypically dominate and phenotpically recessive offspring (with 50% genotypes Aa and the other 50% aa). If the genes are co-dominate then the offspring can have blended traits and recessive traits phenotypically.

How many alleles influence a phenotype in incomplete dominance?

A trait that exhibits incomplete dominance, is one in which the heterozygous offspring will have a phenotype that is a blend between the two parent organisms. An example of this is when a homozygous red sweet pea flower crossed with a homozygous white sweet pea flower, their offspring will be heterozygous and have the pink phenotype, rather than either red or white. So, the homozygous red flower will be red, the homozygous white flower will be white, and the heterozygous flower will be pink. So there are three possible phenotypes in incomplete dominance. There are also no dominant or recessives genotypes.

If both of the parents have attached earlobes what is their genotype?

The phenotypes of attached and unattached earlobes do not fit neatly into the Mendelian theory of two alleles for one trait, and there is a continuum of earlobe phenotypes. That said, unattached earlobes are a dominant trait, so if the individual is homozygous for unattached earlobes, all of her offspring will have the unattached phenotype, even if some or all of them are heterozygous.

What is the phenotype of all four offspring's?

Generally, if the parents are heterozygous and one allele is dominant over the other there are only 2 phenotypes and 3 genotypes. Parents Aa can produce AA, Aa and aa offspring. If the heterozygous individuals have an intermediate phenotype, then three genotypes and 3 phenotypes are possible. If 2 traits are being studied using heterozygous parents AaBb then the possible Genotypes are AABB, AABb, AAbb, AaBB, AaBb, Aabb, aaBb, aaBB, aabb which is nine genotypes. But there are 4 phenotypes. AABB AABb AaBB AaBb are phenotypically the same. aaBb, aaBB are phenotypically the same. Aabb, AAbb are phenotypically the same. aabb

What is the probability of offspring for 2 heterozygous dogs?

There are 3 probabilities: dominant homozygous, recessive homozygous, or heterozygous.

What do the letters on the inside of the punnets square stand for?

Using Punnett Squares, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a homozygous (purebred) tall pea plant and a homozygous (purebred) short pea plant.