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I don't see anything wrong with trimming your dog's fur. If it will make it more comfortable, then, by all means, do so. Trimming its fur may also lower the chances of it getting fleas or ticks.

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Q: Is it a good idea to trim a long haired dog's fur?
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Is long hair stronger than short hair?

It really depends on how healthy the hair is because just pretend you have one short haired dog and one long haired dog and i have one short haired dog and one long haired dog. You take GREAT care of the long haired dogs fur and not as good care of the short haired dogs fur and i am just the opposite. My short haired dogs fur will be stronger than my long haired dogs fur and your long haired dogs fur will be stronger than your short haired dog. So it just depends on how you care for the hair.

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Pugs are short haired dogs but they do moult a lot :)

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Not really it depends on the person's persona and preference.

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A long haired dog is quite simply a long haired dog (or Dog with long hair). Last time I checked there were no special names for long haired dogs but of course there are lots of breeds of long haired dogs. Hope this helped :)

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well if its a long haired dog just cut it off, i don't know what to tell you about short haired dogs

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You can use a large Furminator on long and short haired dogs. With the short haired dogs, it may not take as much of the dog's hair out as you want though.

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yes as long as they are responsible and don't lose it

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long haired dogs are best like corgis,shelties,collies, German Shepards, labs, golden retreviers,akbash dogs,airedales and porgese water dogs etc.

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Only if they stand under trees

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Toygers can be long or short haired, though the short haired is the most common variety. Boxer dogs are always short haired, and their colors range from fawn to brindle.

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Yes. Wiener dogs are more naturally prone to dandruff.