

Is it safe for my puppy to eat gravel?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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16y ago

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Dogs have strange behavior and some of the traits vary from breed to breed. I own a labrador retriever and I know they are prone to chewing on rocks, love to tear apart aluminum cans and can't resist chewing on a good stick until it's nothing but a pile of toothpicks.

It's probably not good for a puppy to actually eat rocks, but if he's just chewing on them and spitting them out, he'll probably end up breaking off a tooth or two.

Since it's a natural instinct for dogs to chew, try substituting something to chew on as a replacement.

One of the things I do is go to the local butcher shop and buy a few pounds of beef bones (not pork because just like chicken bones, they too can splinter and get lodged in their throats) and boil them up with some salt, pepper and garlic. You can make a batch and freeze 'em for several months, handing them out as needed.

A good 8" long leg bone will keep 'em busy for days as they work the marrow out of the bone. After that, I use it as a throw toy, and leave it laying around for them to chew on, or substitute it with a fresh replacement.

Dogs chew because if they didn't, they could develop soft gums and their teeth could loosen over time. Today's dog food (even the dry) sometimes isn't hard enough to keep their teeth and gums in shape.

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