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Yes, it's true that a female cat can mate with several male cats and have a litter of kittens of all colors and that goes for dogs as well.

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Q: Is it true that a female cat will mate with more than one male and have a litter of kittens with different fathers?
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Related questions

Can a female cat be pregnant even though she is in heat?

Yes. A cat can have kittens from different fathers in the same litter.

How many kittens does a female lynx have?

a lynx can have up to 5 kittens in a litter

How many fathers can one litter of kittens have?

Cats are one of the few species capable of fertilization by multiple partners on a regular basis. Technically, each kitten in a litter can have a different father, but it is not quite that likely. However many mate with the queen while she's in heat!

What is the collective noun for kittens?

The collective noun for kittens and puppies is a litter of kittens and a litter of puppies.

How many kittens does a cat have the first pregnancy?

usually cats have only about 2-3 kittens in their first litter

How many kittens are in a litter?

The number of kittens in a litter varies from cat to cat and even from litter to litter. It is most common for cats to have three to six kittens per litter.

A cat having a litter of kittens is an example of what?

litter of kittens called

How can there be different fathers in a dog litter?

When a female is in heat she will accept more than one male to breed with. If there are enough eggs, the sperm from more than one male can fertilize different eggs the female has.

What do you call a litter of birds?

A litter of goats is called a tower. A young goat is called a kid. A female kid is called a doeling, and an uncastrated male is called a buckling. When he's castrated, he becomes a wether.

Can two male kittens from the same litter get along with 1 adult female cat?


What is a group of newborn kittens called?

they are babies so they are kittens

How many kittens can be in a persiantabby litter?

Breeds have nothing to do with how many kittens can be born. The typical number for any litter is usually averaged around 4-7. It depends on how many times the female mates when she is in heat.