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14y ago

there is nothing else basically besides animals and people, the only thing i could really think of is a mammal that can lay eggs. i know that probably doesnt help much!

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Q: Name a living thing besides animals and humans that can reproduce by sexual reproduction?
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Do all animals have the ability to reproduce asexually?

No, animals either reproduce sexually or asexually. In sexual reproduction, two parents are required and an offspring is born with inherited genes/characteristics of both parents. In asexual reproduction, only one parent is required to produce an offspring and that offspring has all the characteristics of the parent. Humans reproduce sexually, whereas single-celled organisms like amoebas reproduce asexually.

Why do humans reproduce sexually?

Asexual reproduction is only done by cells, plants, and a few protozoa. Sexual reproduction is the only choice humans have and it has quite a few advantages over asexual reproduction. It results in more variation and is more fun.

What is external reproduction?

External reproduction ( In animals) is when the female lays eggs. This is external reproduction because it happens outside of the body and they baby/babies are not protected.In humans I am guessing it is when you take out your egg and have it fertilised by a sperm and then inserted back in to your body? because it is not natural and doesn't actually occer inside the body....Sorry if the second bit is wrong :/New answer: The External reproduction was right, but humans can't reproduce externally.Thanks for trying tho!

What animals besides humans get goosebumps?

like every animal

What is the most dangerous animal in the world besides humans?

The most Dangerous animals in the world besides humans are probaly the lions, hippos, and the white tigers. But many other animals are dangerous too.

Related questions

Do humans reproduce sexually or asexually?

Sexual reproduction is not a matter of more or less when comparing humans with other living things. Humans reproduce sexually. Most animals reproduce sexually. Many plants reproduce sexually. Some plants and a few animals can reproduce asexually.

What is called when humans choose which plants or animals will reproduce?

The process of manipulated reproduction is called selective breeding.

Do humans reproduce sexually?

Yes, humans reproduce sexually through the fusion of an egg cell from a female and a sperm cell from a male during sexual intercourse. This process results in the formation of a zygote, which eventually develops into a fetus and grows into a new individual.

Do humans reproduce asexual or sexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is reproduction involving the union or fusion of a male and a female gamete. These gametes must come from two organisms, a male and a female. Asexual reproduction is reproduction through cloning or budding. Humans reproduce sexually.

What is a horses reproduction?

Horses reproduce sexually just like humans do.

What animals reproduce on sunnydays?


Why reproduction important?

so we don't disappear, if humans didn't reproduce we will finish

Do all animals have the ability to reproduce asexually?

No, animals either reproduce sexually or asexually. In sexual reproduction, two parents are required and an offspring is born with inherited genes/characteristics of both parents. In asexual reproduction, only one parent is required to produce an offspring and that offspring has all the characteristics of the parent. Humans reproduce sexually, whereas single-celled organisms like amoebas reproduce asexually.

How did early humans know how to reproduce?

Early humans learned how to reproduce through observation of other animals mating and through their own instincts. Over time, they developed social structures and practices that supported mating and reproduction, leading to the passing on of this knowledge through generations.

Why do animals including humans need to mate. Why can't they just give birth on their own?

It's because humans have sexually reproduction that why they can't reproduce by asexually means (like amoeba which fusses itself) I think that is the answer.

Who is smarter - humans or animals?

Humans are animals. If you meant what is the smartest animal besides humans, it is the dolphin and the elephant.

What does asexul reproduction mean?

Asexual reproduction is when something reproduces on their own. eg: Plants are asexual. They reproduce on their own. You don't need another organism to help them reproduce. Humans are sexual.