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He'll keep bugging her... For both their safety (they can easily injure one another while attempting to mate) I'd suggest keeping them apart unless you are right there with them, supervising. Especially if either one is a "novice".

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Q: Once a male dog has intercourse with a female when she is in heat will he then leave her alone or will he keep bugging her until her full cycle is done?
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When to have intercourse and not to get pregnant?

Do the intercourse in the safe period. It normally starts from 5 days before the cycle and 10 days after the menstrual cycle.

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What does it mean when you start your period the morning after you had intercourse?

You were ready to start your cycle.

Can a female conceive 2days after her menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, this is when a female would conceive - I think you mean two days after her period. Yes, a female can conceive two days after her period if her cycle is short.

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Only if she conceived, that is, becomes pregnant. As with all other mammals, humans included, the act of mating (sexual intercourse) does not interrupt the menstrual cycle, pregnancy does.

What cycle is due to female sex hormones?

The menstrual cycle.

What is the purpose of the menstrual cycle in female?

The purpose of the female mentrual cycle is to eliminate an unfertilized egg and the uterine lining.

How can a couple use fertility awareness methods to conceive a child or to prevent pregnancy?

In the female menstrual cycle, there are only 2-3 days in which a woman can conceive a child. Conception can be facilitated or avoided by not having intercourse on these days.

With just one night sex intercourse is it possible to be pregnant?

Yes, once can be all it takes depending on what part of the menstrual cycle the female is in. It is also possible to become pregnant if you had sex in the five days before the fertile period of the cycle as spem can live up to five days in a womans body

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Estrous cycle

Had my Period March 21 through the 25th and on the 26th had intercourse can you be prego?

It all depends on your ovulation cycle.. The first time I got pregnant it was because I had intercourse 2 dayz after my cycle was off.. You might want to take a test in a few weeks..

Can your period be late after first intercourse?

Yes, your period can be later after you first have intercourse. BUT this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact you had intercourse, when you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle and sex doesn't effect this - if your period is late after sex it is just coincidence.