

Problems with goats

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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The kid can come breech, which is backwards. This can ball up the kid in the birth canal. Ketosis, which left untreated, will kill the doe. Most multiples come some form of breech. Totally normal. I have had them all. Not all can be delivered by the doe, but it happens. Another potentially fatal problem is milk fever. This usually occurs in heavy producers and, if diagnosed properly, can be easily cured with some sub-Q Mg.

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14y ago

For the most part, goats are a great animal to have. The biggest problem that I have experienced with goats is that they really like to get out of the fences. There are several ways to avoid this problem: 1) Buy a really good fence and maintain it regularly or 2) Use electric fence (train the goats first to it). Additionally, you are going to want to have a fence that will keep coyotes and other predators out. If you use electric Fencing, it would be a good idea to pen them in a more secure fence at night. Have fun! Goats are a great animal to have!

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