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No, it only makes them pee a lot. That is the WRONG ANSWER!!! Lettuce CAN KILL a Guinea Pig! Iceburg Lettuce contains a lot of water & no vitamin C, which is essential for piggie health. NEVER feed your piggie Iceburg Lettuce. Foods that are safe are: Parsley Top veggie for "C" and Calcium. Buy in bunches at grocery store. Fresh Spinach, as above in nutrition. Kale- Has Loads of calcium and vitamin "C" Apple's --but not on a daily basis( ***I say this because one green veggie should be given with an apple or a carrot or any other non-green veggie)--great source of nutrition! Carrots- read above. Do NOT feed them the greens on the top of the bunch. Collard greens -Cheap & healthy! A bit smelly though. things Not to feed your pig: No Iceburg Lettuce-ever! No turnips, no greens from top of bunches of carrots, no potatoes, no onions, or radishes Be wise: if in doubt-throw the veggie out!( or at keep it away from your pig). Have a happy pig-:) & remember they are social animal's them in pairs. Try the local shelters for adoption. Try NOT to breed, unless you are prepared to spend about 90.00$ on ads and more on education supply's >(paper, ect). Know that shelters often have guinea pigs that are already fixed for you, in advance. Have some extra money tucked away for emg. vet visits. Your pig cage per pig, should be at least 4 by 4 per pig-they need a lot of space and a lot of car concerning cage cleaning Dirty cages will kill your piggy quickly.

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you should try to stay away from lettuce, especially iceberg lettuce, it isn't very nutritious. your better off feeding spinich, bean sprouts, bok-choy and other green leafy veg


yes but it can ONLY be romaine lettuce.

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Q: Should guinea pigs eat romaine lettuce and how much a day?
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What kinds of lettuce can rabbits not eat?

Just like humans, different rabbits have different taste preferences. The only way to know what type of foods one rabbit prefers is to observe her reactions when you feed it to her. Not all lettuces are healthy for rabbits. Avoid white/light-coloured varieties entirely (like iceberg and romaine hearts) because these are low in nutritional value for rabbits, and can lead to illness (like diarrhea). Dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown romaine, red leaf, green leaf) are healthy in moderation: they can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but they shouldn't be fed every day. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

How much water does a guinea pig drink a day?

a guinea pig will eat atleast 8 oz. per day.Guinea pigs don't eat much pellet foods, but they should eat a small amount (about a cup full) of cut of fruit and veg twice a day. They should always have hay (preferably timothy hay) available which guinea pigs will usually eat a lot of. They should have this everyday.

What will happen if you fed your guinea pig iceberg lettuce?

Iceberg Lettuce is not Guinea Pig food and is not a healthy part of their diet. Guinea pigs may eat little pieces of iceberg lettuce as a treat, but will get no nutrition from it other than a little water. Guinea pigs that are given large amounts of iceberg lettuce will fill up on this food which has no nutrition, and it then prevents them from eating as much of their good foods. Eating a diet with lots of iceberg lettuce can cause them to be malnourished, get sick and die if only given iceberg lettuce (sad but true, this lettuce is inexpensive so people may be tempted to give it daily like food- causing their guinea pigs to die of starvation). Guinea pigs need lots of timothy hay and vitamin C rich pellets as the staple of their diet. Things like carrots, oranges, blueberries, green leafy vegetables are great snacks that give them lots of vitamins. Iceberg gives no vitamins, no calories, but makes them feel full- so iceberg lettuce should only be given as a treat in small amounts and try to give them green lettuces instead- the darker the lettuce (spinach) the more nutritional value. Guinea pigs are not allergic to iceberg and will not have an adverse reaction to iceberg- it is safe to give in very small amounts.

Can rabbits eat lettuce from pre-packed salads?

Yes, they can, especially if they eat too much of it, and especially if they eat white or light-coloured lettuce: they can get diarrhea and die. Dark-coloured lettuces (like Romaine, Green Leaf, Red Leaf) are healthy in moderation. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

What is a guinea pigs favourite food?

Guinea pigs tend to like carrots and hay over any type of food. Piggies need a constant supply of timothy hay to maintain proper digestion. Be careful that you don't give alfalfa hay by mistake. Some commercial feeds still contain alfalfa even though it's been found to be unhealthy. lettuce and other greens like green beans and carrot tops but NOT ICEBERG LETTUCE it is bad for them.

Related questions

How is romaine lettuce different from regular lettuce?

romaine lettuce is different because it is much fresher than reg lettuce.

How much water does romaine lettuce contain?

Much the same as other types of lettuce, about 95%

How much does romaine lettuce cost?

You can purchase romaine lettuce at varied prices from store, health foods anywhere from 79 cents to two dollars a head. Romaine lettuce is the best nutritional choice.

How much does an average head of romaine lettuce weigh?

453 grams

How much fiber is in 1 cup of romaine lettuce?

4 g

Can rabbits eat romain lettuce?

Yes, rabbits can eat romaine lettuce, but only the dark-coloured parts (tear off the white/light-coloured bits and avoid entirely the heart or baby leaves). Too much romaine can lead to illness, so romaine can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but rabbits shouldn't eat lettuce every day. See the related question below for more details about the rabbit diet.

What should i do if my guinea pig ate iceburg lettuce?

dont panick, nothing will happen just dont feed it too much and too often with lettuce

Why do guinea pigs like lettuce so much?

u cannot give lettuce to a guinea pig because it makes them really sick and lettuce is way too thick to a guinea pig so if your out there and you have a pet guinea pig DONT FEED IT LETTUCE plz dont

Can rabbits eats romaine?

Yes, rabbits can eat romaine lettuce, but only the dark-coloured parts (tear off the white/light-coloured bits and avoid entirely the heart or baby leaves). Too much romaine can lead to illness, so romaine can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but rabbits shouldn't eat lettuce every day. See the related question below for more details about the rabbit diet.

What kinds of lettuce can rabbits not eat?

Just like humans, different rabbits have different taste preferences. The only way to know what type of foods one rabbit prefers is to observe her reactions when you feed it to her. Not all lettuces are healthy for rabbits. Avoid white/light-coloured varieties entirely (like iceberg and romaine hearts) because these are low in nutritional value for rabbits, and can lead to illness (like diarrhea). Dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown romaine, red leaf, green leaf) are healthy in moderation: they can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but they shouldn't be fed every day. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

How much does a large head of romaine lettuce cost at safeway?

If you want to know then go to the safeway and look yourself, is it that hard to figure out dummie?

What should you not feed your guinea pig?

Do not feed your guinea pig tomatoes, too much lettuce, corn, potatoes, anything that has starch in it. (I learned about the tomato thing when my girl gp died after eating one :( ) you should also not feed your guinea pig too much fruit. too much of it will make your pig diabetic. if you give them any, you should make sure it is no bigger than the size of your thumb.