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It is generally not recommended to use shampoo on kittens unless advised by a veterinarian. Kittens' skin is sensitive and may react negatively to certain ingredients in shampoos. Simply using warm water to clean your kitten during baths is usually sufficient.

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Q: Should i put shampoo on my kitten when i give it a bath?
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Are guinea pigs odourless?

Most of the time guinea pigs don't have an odour as long as you clean their cage often. If they are still stinky, you can always give them a bath. If you want to give then a bath you should either use bunny, kitten or ferret shampoo, dog shampoo is too strong and natural shampoo is the best for them.

What age can you give a kitten a bath?

You can start giving a kitten a bath once they are at least 8 weeks old. Before that age, kittens are usually not able to regulate their body temperature effectively and may get chilled during bathing. Always use a mild kitten-specific shampoo and make sure to dry them thoroughly after the bath to prevent them from getting cold.

When is it best to give a kitten a bath?

I've heard it is usually once a week. Unless the kitten got into something dirty, it doesn't need a bath. Kittens/cats clean themselves.

Your parakeet smells what should you do?

Give it a bath (no chemicals like shampoo or conditioner, just regular water)or give it to the vet to get cleaned.

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I recommend that you give it a bath and a shampoo (but carefully, so you do not drown it).

Can you give your guinea pig a bath with regular shampoo?

When bathing your guinea pig, you should be careful to always use the proper animal shampoo from a vet or pet store. Human shampoo can be harmful to the animal.

What to do if your kitten is step on?

give him a ice cold bath and some tylonol

Can you give guinea pigs a bath without any special shampoo?

Yes, you can give guinea pigs a bath using just warm water. It's important to ensure the water is not too hot and to thoroughly dry them afterward to prevent them from getting cold. Avoid using regular shampoo or soap since their delicate skin is sensitive and can easily dry out.

How do you stop a cat from smelling?

Give it a bath - using cat shampoo.

How do you get shampoo hat in Nintendogs?

you have to use the shampoo a lot to let the game know you like to give your dog a bath.

Can you give a two month old dog a bath with shampoo?

You should not wash a dog of any age in regular shampoo. It can give them serious skin irritation. Go ahead and pick up some dog shampoo. You can buy it at any pet or grocery store.

Can you give a zebra finch a bath in shampoo?

No, do not use regular hair shampoo. The only kind of shampoo you should use is special bird wash you can find at many pet supply stores. Ask your veterinarian if you have any more questions!