

Smearing lambs blood on doors

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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In Judaism, the ten plagues were:

1.) River Nile turned to blood

2.) Frogs covered the land

3.) Lice and gnats

4.) Flies filled the air

5.) Death of cattle

6.) Egyptians got boils

7.) Hailstones killed crops

8.) Locusts ate crops

9.) Darkness - the sun went away

10.) Death of the first born (son only)

The first four plagues affected all the land of Egypt, while the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th didn't really affect the children of Israel. God told Moses to tell the Jewish people that they could stop the tenth plague, by sacrificing a lamb, and marking their doors with blood so that the angel of death knew which were the Jewish families, and only killed the Egyptian children. The Pharaoh's own son was also killed by this plague.

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