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In the scientific classification system, the kingdom Animalia is one of five kingdoms. All organisms in this kingdom are: multicellular, mobile and heterotrophic.

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15y ago

the kingdom animaila (excuse my spelling) has many things in common including they are all vertebrates they all have a way of moving they all have adapetd over time and they all communicate

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Q: What are 4 characteristics that are common to organisms in the Animal Kingdom?
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What characteristics do vertebrates and invertebrates share?

They are both animals. They don't have many things in common, since that is one of the common divisions of the animal kingdom.

Which classification groups contains organisms that have the most characteristics in common?


If two organisms belong to the same family what other taxnomic groups do the organisms have in common?

Define the term Species. If two organisms belong to the same family, what other classification levels do they have in common with one another. They also belong to the same kingdom, phylum, class and order.

What characteristics do humans share with other organisms?

Humans share the ability of being able to reproduce with other organisms. Sexual reproduction is the most common mode of creating offspring.

How does a branching tree diagram divide organisms into groups?

A branching tree diagram, also known as a phylogenetic tree or cladogram, is a visual representation that groups organisms together based on their shared derived characteristics. This diagram illustrates the evolutionary relationships between different species or groups of organisms. The process of creating a branching tree diagram starts with identifying the shared derived characteristics among the organisms being studied. These characteristics are traits that are unique to a particular group of organisms and have been inherited from a common ancestor. Examples of derived characteristics could include the presence of feathers in birds or the possession of a backbone in vertebrates. Once the derived characteristics are identified, the diagram is constructed by placing the organisms into branches or clades based on their shared derived traits. The more closely related organisms will be grouped together on branches that are closer to each other, indicating a more recent common ancestor. Conversely, organisms that are less closely related will be placed on branches that are more distant from each other, showing a more distant common ancestry. The branching pattern of the tree diagram represents the evolutionary relationships between the organisms. The points at which branches meet, called nodes, represent common ancestors from which the different groups have diverged. The length of the branches can indicate the amount of evolutionary change or time that has passed since the divergence from a common ancestor. Branching tree diagrams are valuable tools in understanding the evolutionary history and relationships between organisms. They provide a visual representation of the shared derived characteristics that define different groups and allow scientists to study patterns of evolution and common ancestry. These diagrams are used in various fields such as biology, paleontology, and taxonomy to classify and identify the relationships between different organisms.

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Which other characteristic is common to organisms in this kingdom animal?

i can't answer it

How does the number of characteristics shared by all members of a classification levelchange as you progress from species to kingdom?

Carolus Linnaeus was the Swedish botanist who created a classification method for organisms. The number of organisms at each level of classification increases as one progresses from species to kingdom.

What characteristics do vertebrates and invertebrates share?

They are both animals. They don't have many things in common, since that is one of the common divisions of the animal kingdom.

What do woodlice have in common with fungi?

Woodlice and fungi have very little in common, beyond both being living organisms. Woodlice are part of the Animal Kingdom while fungi make up the Fungal Kingdom.

What are the characteristics of the 7 taxonomic levels?

Kingdom: Broadest level of classification, grouping organisms based on fundamental similarities. Phylum: Groups organisms with common characteristics beyond those shared by all eukaryotes. Class: Further divides organisms within a phylum based on more specific characteristics. Order: Groups similar families of organisms with shared characteristics. Family: Includes related genera that share common characteristics. Genus: Groups species that are closely related and share a common ancestor. Species: Most specific level, comprising individuals that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring.

Why is a penguin in the animalia kingdom?

Penguins belong to the Animalia kingdom because they are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms, which are the defining characteristics of this kingdom. Penguins also exhibit other traits common to animals, such as heterotrophy, movement, and a lack of cell walls.

3 reasons why a octopus is in the animal kingdom?

I do not know why a common octopus is an animal kingdom

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Which kingdom does the human race belong in and why?

The human race belongs to the animal kingdom, specifically the kingdom Animalia, as humans share common characteristics with other animals such as multicellularity, the ability to move, and the requirement to consume food for energy.

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Which kingdom is monophyletic?

The animal kingdom is considered monophyletic, meaning that all animals share a common ancestor and are descended from a single evolutionary lineage. This is supported by genetic and morphological evidence that shows the similarities in their characteristics and evolutionary history.