

Best Answer

what you can do is to inprove the increase the amount of polution by car poonling. what you can avoid doing is you can stop fishing with frogs as bait and you not get in your car and drive it just for short trips.

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Q: What are some are the thins you can do or avoid doing that might help frogs to survive?
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What are the dangers of red frogs?

Red frogs are sometimes dangerous, depending on their species. Their skin secretes a substance that is poisonous to a lot of animals. It does this in order to protect itself from predators that might try to eat it. But a lot of other frogs adapt this skin color as a protection also - except that these frogs don't secrete any poison. It's just the natural shock of the color that makes other predators think that some frogs may be poisonous and that they must avoid them, when they actually aren't poisonous. ~ Hexedgirl2

What are the chances that a lame moose can survive?

You might think it won't survive but thimk again That thing is 1 ton

Do Amazon frogs eat ants?

Some frogs are and live almost entirely on ants. An example is Gastrophryne carolinensis from southern US.There is no species called 'amazon frog' , because there is a large amount of frogs living in the amazonregion there might be 1 or 2 living of ants.

What are twnety things that you might find around a pond?

Snakes, turtles, frogs, newts, birds, dragon flies, etc.

Where do frogs go when it snows?

Frogs that live in very cold areas generally hibernate, under rocks, inside logs or just under the surface of the ground. Some frogs, such as the American Woodfrog (Rana sylvatica) can become completely frozen, thaw out and hop away, unaffected. Frogs that are caught in cold snaps slow down completely and basically go to sleep because they are cold-blooded, but frogs that are not adjusted to these conditions often die. Frogs caught in the snow often die because the snow packed around them is usually enough to make them freeze, but like I said before, most frogs that live somewhere where it might snow are adapted to live in cold conditions.

Related questions

How are frogs adapted to survive?

well they might be able to camouflage into its background

How do Cuban tree frogs survive?

Generally they dont live here but they might get stuck in the chimney. The frog will leave or die after a while.

What should you avoid doing when covering the brake?

You should avoid be nervous, or shaking, because you might just accidentally slam the brakes, and kill you and your family from a car accident...just saying...

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You think what might happen, like the effects and is it really worth doing. Clue: Think about Lindsey Lohan

What are the dangers of red frogs?

Red frogs are sometimes dangerous, depending on their species. Their skin secretes a substance that is poisonous to a lot of animals. It does this in order to protect itself from predators that might try to eat it. But a lot of other frogs adapt this skin color as a protection also - except that these frogs don't secrete any poison. It's just the natural shock of the color that makes other predators think that some frogs may be poisonous and that they must avoid them, when they actually aren't poisonous. ~ Hexedgirl2

How do frogs spot flies quick?

They have the instincts for it. I might want to mention though that frogs will rarely eat flies.

Where might adult frogs lay eggs?

adult frogs normally lay eggs in ponds or still water areas

How can you avoid a situation that might ruin friendship?

It depends on the situation. Friendships are fragile. You never want it to shatter before your eyes. My guess would be, you can't avoid a problem in a friendship, but you can make it better and/or save the friendship by doing that.

Are coqui frogs endangerd animals answer from people?

yes they might be

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What are three factors that might kill off less well adapted individuals struggling to survive in a population?

Being able to catch prey, Avoid Being eaten, Adapting to their environment.

What are three factors that might kill off less well-adapted individuals struggling to survive in a population?

Being able to catch prey, Avoid Being eaten, Adapting to their environment.