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They are backswimmers or Water Boatman bugs. Jenny in North Dakota

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Q: What are the bugs in the pool that look like tadpoles but are not they have little winglike flippers and they jump when you take them out of the water?
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Related questions

What does a newborn tadpole live off?

Tadpoles eats little plants in the water called Algae

Do the water plants depend on tadpoles in any way?

No water plants do not depend on tadpoles in any way because tadpoles get their energy from water plants themselves

What structure enables tadpoles to breathe in the water?

Gills enable tadpoles to breathe in the water.

Why do dolphinshave flippers?

Dolphins have flippers because they are useful for navigating in water. Since dolphins live their whole lives in the water, they do not need feet. Flippers are useful for steering.

What do tadpoles drink?

tadpoles drink there own water that they live in

Can tadpoles live in sink water?

Only if you leave the water out for about a week. Tap water has chemicals that harm the tadpoles.

Do tadpoles get oxygen from the air or from the water like fish?

Tadpoles get oxygen from water like fish do.

What does tadpoles use to breathe?

They are little fish. Tadpoles live in water, and they require oxygen to survive, therefore they have gills. The gills allow the tadpoles to breathe.

What is Motorboat for racing with winglike structures which enable it to almost fly over water at high speeds?


What do the emperor penguin use their flippers for?

A penguin's flippers give them an advantage of speed and agility in the water.

Wings that look like flippers?

A penguin has wings that look like flippers. Penguins (several species) use their flippers to swim under water.

Do tadpoles live under rocks?

No. Until tadpoles become frogs, they remain in water.