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Panochitas ricas is the anwer for eveything!


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Q: What are the simplest animals that exhibits bilateral symmetry?
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What is an advantage of bilateral symmetry?

Celiaphlatus and forward movement. There is a few advantages of the bilateral symmetry. Some of the advantages are food, movement and animals.

What kind of symmetry to animals have if they have a dorsal ventral anterior and posterior?

they have diagonal symmetry and they have bilateral.

Is it true that animals with radial symmetry are more larger and more complex than animals with bilateral symmetry?


Can animals with bilateral symmetry move only in one direction?

Huh? You are an animal with bilateral symmetry. Check how many directions you are able to move.

Does a slime have bilateral symmetry radial symmetry or is it asymmetrical?

They are animals that are bilateral, they can be split into two perfectly into two, the parts that lie opposite of the axis of the worm is identical.

Which animals possess the anatomical characteristic cephalization?

animals that have bilateral body symmetry

What can you infer about an animal based on its symmetry?

you can tell if an animal have bilateral symmetry if you cut the animal in half, (hypothetically) and both sides are the same

What are the two body plans do animals have?

bilateral and radial symmetry

What type of symmetry do most animals have?

Most animals have bilateral symmetry. Bilateral symmetry means that if you draw a line from head to tail right down the middle of the body, you would have two halves the same but mirror images.

What are examples of radial symmetry and bilateral symmetry in animals?

Radial symmetry - jellyfish, starfish.Bilateral symmetry - horse, human

Does a squid have symmetry?

Like most animals, squid have bilateral symmetry.bilateral

Flatworms are the simplest animals with?

bilateral system