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Well your dog can get very sick and possibly die if that rabbit had a disease...even without one the dog could still get very sick...I would tell you not to feed the dog that

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Q: What can happen to your dog for eating dead rabbits?
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well i think nothing would happen try it and see what happens

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Most likely yes.

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heartworms are transmitted by the dog eating fleas (dead or alive) that has eggs in it and the hatch in the dog

Does a dog eat a rabbit?

YES! to discorage ur dog eating rabbits, keep them away from each other at all times, and lock the dog somewhere and the rabbit somewhere else when your not there. ALSO NEVer feed your dog rabbit flavouring or real rabbit kibble, and give him a smart tap on the nose if he chases rabbits. twilight maniac

Do dog barking devices hurt rabbits?

no it doesnt hurt rabbits

What is right their dog is dead or their dog was dead?

their is dead

Will A Dog Eat An Animal?

It depends on the dog. Some dogs are picky eaters and will only eat what they are used to eating. Some dogs have a higher prey drive and will eat many smaller animals such as chickens, squirrels or rabbits.

Do rabbits play dead?

No, rabbits don't play dead.Some people train their rabbits to perform tricks like hopping over jumps or dropping balls into baskets, so it's theoretically possible that you could train your rabbit to play dead, but that would be unusual. Playing dead is not a natural behaviour in rabbits: when faced with predations, rabbits generally know their only chance is to run for it.One person wrote: Yes they can. My dog got in my rabbits play pen and she was all over it. When I yelled at her she looked up and I saw my rabbit and thought it was dead! But when I picked it up she was breathing and alive and as alert as ever.Another wrote, in response: What you're describing is not playing dead, it's going into shock. Luckily, your rabbit pulled through, but stress and shock can lead to illness in rabbits: always try to minimize it in your rabbit's life.