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The modification of a specie's environment occurs most often when humans modify or change a species habitat from the way it is naturally to a new, altered version of the environment. For example, hundreds of years ago in what is today Florida, millions of square miles of forests and swamps made up the area. Those swamps were, and still are, home to millions of alligators which are native to that environment. However, today many condos and businesses are being built on land which was previously occupied by alligators as well as with other species. Instead of swimming and hunting in their original swamp environment, they are now inhabiting private Swimming Pools, lakes, and Golf courses, sometimes hunting pets and small children. This is an example of reoccurring human-animal conflict due to humans modifying a specie's environment.

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Q: What does modification of a species environment mean?
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If it's the natural environment it can only be EVOLUTION

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inheritable traits that enhance their survival and reproductive success in the local environment.

What is a modification?

A modification is a small alteration, adjustment, or limitation of an object. It can also mean changes in an organism whether due to the environment or activity that is not genetically transmissible to it's offspring.

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Biographical observations suggest that a modification process caused new species to arise in the way that new species are showing up without explanation and with new adaptations to their environment. One example that is widely used is the appearance of opposable thumbs in humans and monkeys.

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Descent with modification (Apex)

What is it called when newer generations are better suited to an environment than the first generation is?

descent with modification

What is descent with modification and how do fossils help it?

Descent with modification is a principal that is closely linked to natural selection. It means that the descendants of a parent species will have been slightly modified, and their descendants will be slightly modified, and so on. Natural selection is the engine that drives this modification- and ensures that this change is in a direction that better suits the species to its environment. In this way, species are constantly changing, though extremely slowly. The geological record can show how a certain species has slowly changed over time. As we follow a species through hundreds of thousands of years, parts of its organization become modified as the species becomes better suited to its environment, or to other environments that allow it to extend its range. These changes in physical aspects can be seen in fossils and show, for example, how a fin for swimming evolved into a leg for walking.

What is descent with modification. and how do fossils help show it?

Descent with modification is a principal that is closely linked to natural selection. It means that the descendants of a parent species will have been slightly modified, and their descendants will be slightly modified, and so on. Natural selection is the engine that drives this modification- and ensures that this change is in a direction that better suits the species to its environment. In this way, species are constantly changing, though extremely slowly. The geological record can show how a certain species has slowly changed over time. As we follow a species through hundreds of thousands of years, parts of its organization become modified as the species becomes better suited to its environment, or to other environments that allow it to extend its range. These changes in physical aspects can be seen in fossils and show, for example, how a fin for swimming evolved into a leg for walking.

What does descent with modification imply about the relationships among different species on Earth today?

That the offspring of one species may adapt to it's surroundings and live longer then though without the modification.

What does descent with modification imply about the relationships among the different species on earth?

That the offspring of one species may adapt to it's surroundings and live longer then though without the modification.

How do species interact with their environment?

A species either survives in its environment or the environment kills it.if a species is well adapted to the environment it thrives.