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DELIBERATELY WRONG INFORMATION was put on Wiki.Answers on the 25th October 2011 and repeatedly on the 14th January 2012 !!!. THE TRUTH IS :

The Attorney-general of Poznan (Poland) with the help of the President of the Lawyers -Lion Club Poznan proved in the Autumn of 2007, that the deliberately false accusations spread by Mr.Peter Pazola from Chicago(Ill.)/Bensenville(Ill.) were wrong. The uproar that was caused by the letter of Mr. Peter Pazola to the Police Headquarters in Poznan in 2007, lead to an investigation.

Several people were interrogated by the Police in the presence of the Attorney ( 3 and a half Hour/per person; by the constantly changing 5 policemen ). The interrogation found place in the Police Headquarters at Kochanowskiego Street, which used to be the headquarters of the Communist Political Police ( which changed the names from NKWD to UB , and then to SB till 1990 ) - which was a shock to the interrogated people.

After it was found out the the "informations" were deliberately false, an official letter addressed to Mr. Peter Pazola was sent to Bensenville (Ill.), private address of Mr. Peter Pazola, with the Obligation for Mr. Peter Pazola to write an Official Excuse to the Poznan Police Headquaters for causing costs and problems through his deliberate false accusations, and individually to the iterrogated people (their names were written in the accusation-letter by Mr. Peter Pazola).

Up to today there is no reaction on the part of Mr. Peter Pazola, although he caused

suffering of these persons. In the case Mr. Peter Pazola visits Poznan , he can be forced by the Police ( due to the Polish law ) to answer personally some questions at the Police Headquarters, and take personal responsability for what have happened .

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