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The difference is that a warmblood is more of an active horse and is built for speed.On the other hand a coldblooded horse is more of a slow work horse or is used for shows.

There are 100s of different breeds of horse, but they fall into 3 categories: hot blood, cold blood and warm blood. Note that these are also written as warmblood, coldblood and hotblood.

The cold blood are breeds developed in middle an northern Europe, use as farm animals (e.g. pull plow), to pull carts, drag logs and other such heavy work. Their build reflects this with heavy bodies, large muscles and joints, heavy coat for winter. Also, a calm disposition to be easily managed.

Hot bloods are breeds from warmer climates, notably the Arabian from the middle-east. They were breed for speed, used for racing and long distance riding. Consequently, they have a lighter and more athletic build, with a more spirited temperament.

Warm bloods fall between the two, often the result of crossing a hot breed and a cold breed. Their build is closer to a hot than a cold, but they have the calmer temperament of the cold blood. They are used for equistrian sports (e.g. dressage, show jumping) where a horse needs athletic performance but also needs calm intelligence and trainability.

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All Draft horses are cold - blooded.

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What is warmbloods horse?

The warmblood is a mix of 'hotbloods' and 'coldbloods'. Hotbloods include horses such as Thoroughbreds and Arabs, they are lightweight horses and finer in build than the coldblood and warmblood. These evolved in warm environments and are sharp and react very quickly. Coldbloods include draught horses and heavyweights such as Shires. They are big built horses and used to be used on farms and as cart horses, in some places they still are. These evolved in a cold environment. The words 'Coldblood', 'Warmblood' and 'Hotblood' do not in anyway refer to body temperature. Warmbloods have resulted from crossbreeding 'hotbloods' and 'coldbloods'. In attemt to get the athletism from the 'hotblood' and the bravery and calmer tempermant from the 'coldblood'. Hope that helps!

Is a holestiener a warmblood horse?

Yes the Holsteiner is a German breed of warmblood type horse.

Is a horse warm or cold blooded?

since a horse is a mammal, and all mammals are warm-blooded, a horse is warm-blooded. Lizards, for example, are cold-blooded, that's why they lay in the sun all day. to warm up their body temperature.

What horse would a warmblood be if the initials were A and W?

the American Warmblood

How much does a 16.3 warmblood horse weight?

average horse weighs between 1200-1300 pounds

What is the right way to identify a warmblood horse?

A warmblood horse a horse that was imported from Europe. All horses are warmbloods, really, because their mammals, though.

Are there such thing as a British warmblood horse?

Yes and No. There is a British Warmblood horse society but it's not a true breed. They register any horse of warmblood breeding. To be a true breed there must be a closed studbook of which only Trakehner warmbloods have.

Is the Dutch Warmblood horse used for hunting?

Yes, the Dutch Warmblood can be used for hunting.

What type of horse is best at jupming?

There are many popular Olympic Jumper horse breeds. Here are some of them: Belgian Warmblood Dutch Warmblood Hanoverian Holsteiner Oldenburger Selle Francais Swedish Warmblood Westphalian Thoroughbreds

Is a American painted horse warmblooded?

Yes and no. If you're talking about the fact that all mammals are warmblood, then yes. But, in horse terms, no. A warmblood horse, talking only about horses and not about animals in general, is a horse bred and born in Europe.