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An internet search found that green lacewings lay their eggs in a spiral on stalks, though they are likely not the only insects that do. Regarding Spiders (which are arachnids, not insects), I am aware that most of them create an egg sac and do not lay them separately.

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Q: What kind of insect or spider lays it's eggs in a spiral in Houston?
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The spider life cycle differs from the insect life cycle. Spiders grow from eggs, to spiderlings, to spiders. Insects grow from eggs, to larvae, to insects.

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Is there spider eggs in peanut butter?

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Does a spider need a mate to lay eggs?

Yes. It takes a male and a female spider for the female spider to lay eggs. The male spider wraps his semen inside a ball of spider silk and deposits that inside the female. The female spider usually surrounds her eggs in a cocoon made of spider silk.

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Was there spider eggs in a lady's mouth?

Yes a lady had spider eggs in her mouth from licking stamps with the eggs on it. The eggs gotimbeddedin her lip and hatches. The spiders then crawled out of her mouth.

What spider has a blue abdomen with brown body in humble TX 77338?

I just bumped into the same spider in my yard in a western suburb of Houston and researched it. Most likely, it was a pregnant wolf spider. They carry their eggs with them and the sac is anywhere from white to bluish in color. The one I saw had a sac that was white, light violet and blue. They carry their sacs above their abdomen to keep from damaging their eggs.

What spider lays eggs that are orange?

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When does a insect lay eggs?


What insect lays tiny yellow eggs?

Some insects lay red eggs. The wolf spider is a common spider in North America that lays its eggs in clusters.