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the spinone puppy must inherit its parents alleles

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A spinone puppy must inherit two copies of a specific gene mutation from both parents to develop ataxia, a condition known as Spinone Cerebellar Ataxia (SCA). This is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder.

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Q: What must a spinone puppy inherit from its parents to develop ataxia?
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How could a genome map help breeders identify carriers of ataxia?

they can see where the flawed gene is, and by modifying it or identifying it warn of the possibilities or probabilities of ataxia developing

1 of your adult ducks wont walk stand or move in its pond No blood cuts etc visible no obvious broken bones in legs or feet Any advice?

It's possible that the duck is experiencing a health issue such as a injury, infection, or nutritional deficiency. It's best to consult with a veterinarian who specializes in poultry to diagnose and treat the duck's condition. In the meantime, ensure the duck has access to food, water, and a dry, safe place to rest.

What are the symptoms of EPM?

Symptoms of Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM) in horses can include ataxia, weakness, muscle atrophy, incoordination, and abnormal gait. Other signs may include lethargy, behavioral changes, and cranial nerve deficits. Early detection and treatment are important for a better prognosis.


DefinitionChickenpox is one of the classic childhood diseases. A child or adult with chickenpox may develop hundreds of itchy, fluid-filled blisters that burst and form crusts. Chickenpox is caused by a virus.The virus that causes chickenpox is varicella-zoster, a member of the herpesvirus family. The same virus also causes herpes zoster (shingles) in adults.Alternative NamesVaricella; Chicken poxCauses, incidence, and risk factorsIn a typical scenario, a young child is covered in pox and out of school for a week. The first half of the week the child feels miserable from intense itching; the second half from boredom. Since the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine, classic chickenpox is much less common.Chickenpox can be spread very easily to others. You may get chickenpox from touching the fluids from a checkenpox blister, or if someone with chickenpox coughs or sneezes near you. The vaccine usually prevents the chickenpox disease completely or makes the illness very mild. Even those with mild illness may be contagious.When someone becomes infected, the pox usually appear 10 to 21 days later. People become contagious 1 to 2 days beforebreaking out with pox. They remain contagious while uncrusted blisters are present.Most cases of chickenpox occur in children younger than 10. The disease is usually mild, although serious complications sometimes occur. Adults and older children usually get sicker than younger children do.Children whose mothers have had chickenpox or have received the chickenpox vaccine are not very likely to catch it before they are 1 year old. If they do catch chickenpox, they often have mild cases. This is because antibodies from their mothers' blood help protect them. Children under 1 year old whose mothers have not had chickenpox or the vaccine can get severe chickenpox.Severe chickenpox symptoms are more common in children whose immune system does not work well. This may be caused by an illness or medicines such as chemotherapy and steroids.SymptomsMost children with chickenpox act sick, with symptoms such as a fever, headache, tummy ache, or loss of appetite for a day or two before breaking out in the classic pox rash. These symptoms last 2 to 4 days after breaking out.The average child develops 250 to 500 small, itchy, fluid-filled blisters over red spots on the skin.The blisters often appear first on the face, trunk, or scalp and spread from there. Appearance of the small blisters on the scalp usually confirms the diagnosis.After a day or two, the blisters become cloudy and then scab. Meanwhile, new crops of blisters spring up in groups. The pox often appear in the mouth, in the vagina, and on the eyelids.Children with skin problems such as eczema may get more than 1,500 pox.Most pox will not leave scars unless they become infected with bacteria from scratching.Some children who have had the vaccine will still develop a mild case of chickenpox. They usually recover much more quickly and have only a few pox (less than 30). These cases are often harder to diagnose. However, these children can still spread chieckenpox to others.Signs and testsChickenpox is usually diagnosed from the classic rash and the child's medical history. Blood tests, and tests of the pox blisters themselves, can confirm the diagnosis if there is any question.TreatmentIn most cases, it is enough to keep children comfortable while their own bodies fight the illness. Oatmeal baths in lukewarm water provide a crusty, comforting coating on the skin. An oral antihistamine can help to ease the itching, as can topical lotions. Trim the fingernails short to reduce secondary infections and scarring.Safe antiviral medicines have been developed. To work well, they usually must be started within the first 24 hours of the rash.For most otherwise healthy children without severe symptoms, antiviral medications are usually not used. Adults and teens, who are at risk for more severe symptoms, may benefit if the case is seen early in its course.For those with skin conditions (such as eczema or recent sunburn), lung conditions (such as asthma), or those who have recently taken steroids, the antiviral medicines may be very important. The same is also true for adolescents and children who must take aspirin on an ongoing basis.Some doctors also give antiviral medicines to people in the same household who subsequently come down with chickenpox. Because of their increased exposure, they would normally experience a more severe case of chickenpox.DO NOT GIVE ASPIRIN to someone who may have chickenpox. Use of aspirin has been associated with a serious condition called Reyes Syndrome. Ibuprofen has been associated with more severe secondary infections. Acetaminophen may be used.Until all chickenpox sores have crusted over or dried out, avoid playing with other children, going back to school, or returning to work.Expectations (prognosis)The outcome is generally excellent in uncomplicated cases. Encephalitis, pneumonia, and other invasive bacterial infections are serious, but rare, complications of chickenpox.Once you have had chickenpox, the virus usually remains dormant or asleep in your body for your lifetime. About 1 in 10 adults will experience shingleswhen the virus re-emerges during a period of stress.ComplicationsWomen who get chickenpox during pregnancy are at risk for congenital infection of the fetus.Newborns are at risk for severe infection, if they are exposed and their mothers are not immune.A secondary infection of the blisters may occur.Encephalitis is a serious, but rare complication.Reye's syndrome, pneumonia, myocarditis, and transient arthritis are other possible complications of chickenpox.Cerebellar ataxia may appear during the recovery phase or later. This is characterized by a very unsteady walk.Calling your health care providerCall your health care provider if you think that your child has chickenpox or if your child is over 12 months of age and has not been vaccinated against chickenpox.PreventionBecause chickenpox is airborne and very contagious before the rash even appears, it is difficult to avoid. It is possible to catch chickenpox from someone on a different aisle in the supermarket, who does not even know they have chickenpox!A chickenpox vaccine is part of the routine immunization schedule.Children receive two doses of the traditional chickenpox vaccine. The first should be given when the child is 12 - 15 months old. Children should receive the second dose when they are 4 - 6 years old.People ages 13 and older who have not received the vaccine and have not had chickenpox should get two doses, 4 - 8 weeks apart.Almost no one will develop moderate or severe chickenpox if they have received the chickenpox vaccine. The small number of children who do develop chickenpox after they have received the vaccine have only a mild case.The chickenpox vaccine does not require a booster later in life. However, a similar but different vaccine given later in life may reduce the incidence of herpes zoster (shingles).Talk to your doctor if you think your child might be at high risk for complications and might have been exposed. Immediate preventive measures may be important. Giving the vaccine early after exposure may still reduce the severity of the disease.ReferencesMyers MG, Seward JF, LaRussa PS. Varicella-zoster virus. In: Kliegman RM, Behrman RE, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007:chap 250.American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases. Recommended immunization schedules for children and adolescents--United States, 2008. Pediatrics.2008;121:219-220.This article uses information by permission from Alan Greene, M.D., © Greene Ink, Inc.

What are the signs of a poisoned cat?

Signs of a poisoned cat can include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, lethargy, difficulty breathing, seizures, and disorientation. If you suspect your cat has been poisoned, it's important to seek immediate veterinary care.

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How could a breeder determine whether or not a dog is a carrier of ataxia?

In the spinone, a genetic disease caused by a recessive allele has been identified.

Is restless leg syndrome connected to ataxia?

It is one of the symptoms of Spinocerebellar Ataxia.

How many people have spinocerebellar ataxia?

well in general, there are 150,000 in the US that have ataxia. for more information please visit graduate student Ataxia project

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The term "ataxia" does not refer to a specific disease, but a symptom of various conditions that may occur. Ataxia is most commonly related to neurological issues.

What actors and actresses appeared in Ataxia - 1991?

The cast of Ataxia - 1991 includes: Blai Llopis

Did Jamie Vaughn suffers from a lack of muscle coordination that is known as ataxia?

The answer is ataxia. Hope this helps.

How is ataxia-telangiectasia diagnosed?

Diagnosis relies on recognizing the hallmarks of A-T: progressive ataxia and telangiectasia. However, this may be difficult as ataxia symptoms do appear prior to telangiectasia symptoms by several years

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What phobia is the fear of ataxia or muscular incoordination?

Ataxiophobia is the name of the phobia related to the fear of muscular incoordination or ataxia.

What is ataxia?

Ataxia means to be out of balance. You can see this in someone who has too much alcohol to drink. They stumble and can fall down.

What is ataxia-telangiectasia?

Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare, genetic neurological disorder that progressively affects various systems in the body.

Can you die from ataxia?

Not from ataxia itself which is a condition where the nerves and muscles do not coordinate together correctly usually requiring physical therapy.