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IMHO, I think once the baby gets too big for the other fish to get their mouth around them you could let them go in with the adults, providing of course you are not overcrowding your tank...

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Q: When can you put baby fish in with adult fish?
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Do you separate baby fish after they hatch from the adult fish?

Yes, otherwise the parent or other adult fish may eat the newborn fry.

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No, All adult fish will eat baby guppies.

How long until you can put your baby platies in with the adults?

The reason for isolating baby fish from adults is that most adult fish consider fry to be snacks. When the baby platys are too big to fit in the biggest mouth in the aquarium, it's safe to put them in. Remember that the biggest mouth may not always belong to the biggest fish! If the biggest fish in the aquarium are adult platys, when they're about 1-1.5cm long (around half an inch) they're big enough. They'll probably reach this size after about a month, provided the water is warm and clean and they're fed high quality food. The other consideration is feeding; if you put baby fish into a tank with adult fish and your main food source is pellets, they may not get enough to eat, so make sure you use some flake food until they get bigger. (If you normally feed flakes, this isn't a problem.)

How do you sell fish on fish tycoon?

first, you have to have a fish that is an adult (20+ years old). Then, you have to put the fish into the Sell Tank. Put the adult fish into the isolation tank, then press Species to set the price. When you are ready, press the sell button and wait.

Can you put baby salamanders with an adult salamander?

yes you can

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They have to grow up and be adult before they can breed

What is a baby fish called?

A baby fish is actually called a fry...which sounds weird when you put it together because its "fish fry" LOL

Do you have to put a baby fish in a other bowl?


Can you put a baby water turtle in a fish tank with fish in it?

Only if you don't mind it eating the fish !

How long does the gambusia fish live for?

Well, I caught an adult gambusia fish at my baby cousin's third birthday party, in a lake. My cousin is now five years old. I have had it for three years and it was an adult when I caught it. (I know because after I caught it, it had a baby!)