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... when he is finished!

Usually about 30 minutes.

If you try separate him he might bite you.

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14y ago

When the male dog is finished.

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Q: When dogs get stuck while mateing how long does it take for them to get unstuck?
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Can you show you a video of dogs mateing?

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If your dogs mateing date was November fourth what would be her due date?

4 l3ecusz its oveous

When does the mateing period for dogs begin and end?

The mateing period begins with the first site of blood. Then count 10 days from the day you see the blood and you and breed the dog. The period last 14 day .

How do you stop dogs from biting and attacking while stuck to other dogs?

Well, If the female is particularly displeased with mating in the first place, or is usually dog aggressive, it is safest to have a muzzle on her to avoid injury to the male or the humans supervising the breeding. Males typically do not have aggression issues during breeding, as they have a one track mind. If the female or male continuously thrashes around trying to get unstuck, it is best to get into the situation yourself, and hold the thrasher still. Even better is to have another person on hand to hold both dogs still. Often times, first time breeders freak out when they are locked, and try to get unstuck, but doing so can injure both dogs.

Your dog penis doesnt go in after you pull him while stuck mating?

TAKE HIM TO A VET dont EVER pull apart dogs that are stuck together you could kill or SERIOUSLY injure one or both of them

How many times can a dog get stuck?

Dogs have at least 1-5 times to get stuck

Why do dogs get stuck while mateing?

there is a mass of flesh at the base of the dogs penis, during copulation the dog inserts its penis into the bitches vagina. once the mass of flesh enters the vagina it starts to swell, this is called the knot. when the knot swells the penis becomes stuck, this is called the tie and can last up to 30 minutes, in some dog breeds the knot can swell to the size of a small grapefruit. this ensures the penis stays inside the bitch long enough for successful reproduction.

What is wrong with Pork Bones for Dogs?

they can scratch your dogs throat, and maybe get stuck in their throat!

Do dogs get songs stuck in their heads?

Dogs have never been known to be musical at all, no.

What do you do when dogs are stuck?

You rub them with butter and viciously pull them out of where ever they are stuck it works really well

What if your dogs butts are stuck together what do you do?

Nothing. After mating, the male dog's penis swells and he's unable to remove it from the female for a while until the swelling goes down. It's completely natural. The dogs know what to do.

What if a toothpick is stuck in my throat?

Toothpick in my dogs throat