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You can see African wild dogs at the Tyson Research center in Eureka/Valley Park Missouri here is the link

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Q: Where can you see an African wild dogs in Missouri?
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What wild cats might you see on an African safari?

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Two wild behaviors in pet cats and dogs?

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If you mean dingos - the native/wild dogs of Australia then no, they are not extinct.

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you can see African hunting dogs in London zoo, Colchester or Dublin. i think that's what you were asking

How wild dogs adapt in the town?

they see you and you look at them and pet them and leave but they folllow you home

Can dogs see black people?

Of course! It's not like African-Americans are silhouettes!

How are wild dogs related to domesticated dogs?

I can tell you for a fact that hyenas aren't dogs. They're more closely related to cats actually, but they're a separate animal family of their own. Wild dogs, if you mean the African wild dog, belong to the family canidae as do dogs and wolves, but they are a separate genus, Lycaon. Modern thinking classes domestic dogs and grey wolves as the same species, canis lupus. You will see some older sources distinguish them as canis domesticus and canis lupus, but genetic studies have shown this is not valid.

What is the animal population in the Kalahari desert?

The African wild dog, the African wild cat, the Cape vulture and the aardvark are endangered and live in the Kalahari dessert. For more information, see the Related Link.

Can wild animals see and hear thing we cant?

yes dogs,cats,horses,birds can all sense ghosts and some dogs get trained so smell out various cancers

What are ferrell dogs?

A ferrell dog is a domesticated dog that has returned to the wild. They have been known to kill people. See Animal Planet. .

When was the movie Wild Hogs made?

wild hogs was released in 2007. go see old dogs coming to theaters soon it looks so funny!

Why do wild dog live in the wild not you a house?

You answered that in your question. They're wild. If they were house dogs, they'd prefer a house and make nice with people in hopes of getting a home instead of running away or wanting to fight. Been to a pound lately? Go there and see which dogs want a home the most....the longer they're there the more they want the home too! Clue: The dogs that want a home are happy to see you, want you to pet them, want to play & lick you, would jump in your arms if they could, not the ones barking at you.