

Why are mountain gorillas dying?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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9y ago

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According to biologists, many mountain gorillas are endangered and dying due to poachers and civil conflicts in Africa that have destroyed their natural habitat.

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How many mountain gorillas were there in 1840?

In 1840 there were about 1000 mountain gorillas left.

What gorillas are endangered?

Mountain gorillas and the Western Gorillas are two types of endangerd gorillas.

What is the difference between mountain gorillas and River gorillas?

The differences between cross river gorillas and mountain gorillas are 1.Mountain gorilla live in mountains, cross river gorillas live in the lowlands. 2.Mountain gorillas are usually bigger and hairier. Those are the only differences i can think of right now.

In what country did Dian Fossey study mountain gorillas?

She studied mountain gorillas in Africa.

Why are mountain gorillas disppearing?

Mountain gorillas are disappearing mainly because of poaching and human encroachment.

What do Mountain Gorillas eat?

Since mountain gorillas are vegetarians they eat grass , shrubs and things like that

What are the types of gorillas?

Mountain, and lowland gorillas. The mountain gorilla has somewhat longer, darker hair on its body.

What is birth season of mountain gorillas?

Mountain gorillas do not have a breeding season, and babies are born throughout the year.

Why is Dian Fossy famous?

Dian Fossey studied mountain gorillas. She was famous as she stopped poachers from killing the mountain gorillas. Without her, there would be no gorillas today.

How do mountain gorillas get pregnant?

they get it on

Are mountain gorillas hunted?

yes.all gorillas are hunted and there getting extined

What biome do mountain gorillas live in?

They live in the tropical rainforests or cloud forests of Africa.