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I don't know any techniqual terms but basically they are not nocturnal, in fact they sleep before the sun even goes fully down. They don't have "night vision" because they don't need it, they hunt during the day.

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Q: Why chickens are not able to see in dim light?
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Can a cat see with out any light?

No, but cats can see in very dim light, light in which their prey can not see very well, if at all.

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Can a black cat be seen in a dark room?

Yes. If you have a dim light on, you can see the out-line of them.If you have no light on, you should be able to see their eyes. The cool thing about cats' eyes are they can control their night vision. If they choose to see in the dark, their eyes will glow.

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Why objects in dim light are seen more clearly from the corner of the eye?

because the iris allows you to see in dim light

Why do the pupil contracts and expands?

In dim light, your pupil expands. In bright light, your pupil contracts. Your pupil contracts in bright light because not as much light is needed to see. Same thing with dim light, your pupil expands in dim light because there is more light needed to see. Because there is not as much light in a closet than in an open field your pupil contracts and expands to let in more light or let in less light, depending on were you are at and how dark it is.

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rods or rod cells

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i was told that cat reflect any dim light around to see batter

Why are you able to see the tree?

We are able to see the tree because light is reflected into your eyes. We see reflected light.