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Maybe it is just sensitive there or maybe it has been injured or maybe it is pregnant. You would have to find more evidence to be sure of any of the above

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12y ago

Piglets naturally squeal when they feel threatened, if he is a pet he will outgrow the squealing (or he will be to big to pick up )

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13y ago

Your guinea pig, if she/he is squeaking when you are holding her/him, is expressing discomfort or fear.

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Some guinea pigs might not like being picked up and get all upset about it.

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She may not like the way you pick her up.

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It's their form of communication

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Q: Why does your guinea pig squeak every time you pick her up?
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Is it normal for guinea pigs to wobble and squeak when they walk?

no tht means its time is near -- im sorry :'(

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The wheel bearing.

Why does your guinea pig scream everytime you touch her sides or rub her back?

Most of the time guinea pigs scream (squeak) because they enjoy you petting them or they are encouraging you to pet them. My guinea pig squeaks when I pet her or pick her up because she knows that I am about to give her food. Sometimes guinea pigs scream because they don't want you to pick them up. If that is the case the screaming is followed by scratching, biting, running away, or acting dead.

Why does my guinea pig eat LOADS and sqeals and sqeaks every time I pick her up?

Guinea pigs eat A LOT, this is normal. If she is sqealing and squeaking when you pick her up then she may not be used to being handled. The only way to fix this is to handle her often so she gets used to it.

What does it mean when a guinea pig does not squeak?

Usually if your guinea pig isn't very talkative its because it is lonely and if you don't already have a second pig that should be something to look into because guinea pigs need a friend. Also please help innocent guinea pigs by adopting one from an animal shelter!!!

Why does your 1994 squeak and creak every time you turn the wheel or hit a bump?

Because it's a 1994.

Are guinea pigs playful?

Kinda. Like some of the younger friskier ones will run around, but all 3 guinea pigs I have none play with toys. They are pretty much all lazy they are the perfect cuddling animals.Ssometimes I sleep with mine - I'll take naps with them.

Why would your guinea pig run away every time you touch her?

Guinea pigs are known to be very shy, so you have to prove to the guinea pig that you are gentle by simply approaching your guinea pig slowly and calmly and then eventually pet or pick him/her up. You can also find ways to tame your guinea pig, either with food or a treat. Try to do anything to make it feel safe. You can simply be dealing with a guinea pig that is nervous, or you are dealing with something that is very common and normal for your guinea pig.

What does it mean when Guinea pigs pur?

When a guinea pig purrs it means it is happy and guinea pig used to purr every time I picked her up and snuggled into her ears....

Why does my male guinea pig which I have had for 10 months keep mounting my other male guinea pig for 4 years every time he gets a chance?

Your male guinea pig is trying to mate with your female guinea pig.

Can guinea pigs have a favorite owner?

Yes, their favorite owner is the person who spends most time with them. My Guinea Pig will let me pick him up but not my brother, that's because I spend the most time with him. Take care and God Bless!

Why your guinea pig keep on squeaking and running away every time you touch her?

it could be that ur guinea pig is pregnant when there pregnant they dont like to be touched