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ANSWER:A molly fish can be pregnant from anywhere to 20 or 40 days.

As for becoming pregnant, you have to see wether she is in heat. You can tell just by the way she acts witch is chasing the male anround or chasing other fish. If this is happening, put them in a separate tank and leave them alone for 1-2 hours. (I would recommend leaving them for 2 and 1/2 hours) They should mate at least 2 or 3 times during that period. When the time is up, put them both back into the main tank and if the female fish doesnt look like she swallode a marbel in about a month or so, she didnt get pregnant. Then you have to start over. If she does look like she swallod a marbel, then she is pregnant. My molly was so fat I thought she would burst! But I know why now because she had 32 fry. (Im still looking for more they like to hide in the rocks.)

Good luck with your fish!!

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Q: You just got a boy and girl molly how long will it take until the girl has babies?
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Can you Make hamster have babies?

No. You cant make a hamster have babies because it must have a male hamster with a girl hamster and the male hamster might not get the girl pregnant so just roll with it.

When that male rabbit humps the girl rabbit while pulling off her fur does that mean that they want to have babies?

No that is just how he gets a grip of her and won't let her leave till he is finished. He doesn't care about babies, he is just breeding her.

One of your molly fish gave birth to 71 fry now you have two left they are in a separator the tank water is perfect why did they all die please help as this is really sad for you?

It could just be nature taking care of the weak. My fist female molly had 12 babies and we only have 5 left. My current female molly has 36. At first we thought we had 28 and then 5 died and then we found a whole bunch more the next day! The first 11 she had were a pretty decent size but the others were sord of small. Like I said, it could just be nature taking care of the weak ones, because that is a alot of babies to nourish. Dont feel bad though. Its not your fault. =]

My Girl guinea pig has just had four babies guinea pig when can i start cleaning out her cage?

When my female had her babies, a couple hours later i cleaned up the bloody bedding and that was it. I had cleaned out the cage when I anticipated she was in labor and a couple hours later she had the babies. Congrats on the new addition to your family.

How can you tell which rabbit to separate when they just had babies?

Take the one out that does not nurse the babies.

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You cant really just let it do its thing, but if you don't want your molly babies just sell them to a pet shop they will take them with no hassle. Hope it helps you. Jack

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2 female because a boy and girl will just have babies, because they can at 3 months old. And a lot of times the babies that they produce will just eat eachother.

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Just look between its fins, silly!

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I wouldn't because the male is not a fan of the babies until about 3 months old. I breed them .

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I was just thinking about this if you mean Charlie and the baby on the way we wont find out until sunday that is in 2 days. So watch and see if its a boy or a girl.

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No. You cant make a hamster have babies because it must have a male hamster with a girl hamster and the male hamster might not get the girl pregnant so just roll with it.

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owls carry their babies for 9 months, just like us humans.

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no because it an eat the babies for attention from the mama just keep him in a small extra cage until the babies are big enough

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All babies are cute no matter if they are a boy or a girl!!! Just ask the Mom!!

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Molly Brown, herself, was not in any movies. In her life the movie business was just getting started and it wasn't until 1928 that the first movie came out. A character of "Molly Brown" has been featured in several movies. One movie was about her and it was called "The Unsinkable Molly Brown."

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Probably for food.