


Calcium is a chemical element with the atomic number 20 and symbol Ca. It is an alkaline earth metal and one of the most abundant metals in the Earth’s crust. Calcium is also essential for living organisms, both as a catalyst for cellular processes and as a component of shells, bones, and teeth.

873 Questions

What is calcium for a rabbit?

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Calcium is an essential mineral required for a rabbit's overall health, including proper growth and development of bones and teeth. However, too much calcium can lead to health issues like urinary tract problems. It is important to provide a balanced diet to ensure the right amount of calcium for a rabbit's specific needs.

Why does the body have systems to remove calcium from bones if calcium is to low?

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When calcium levels are low, the body may release calcium from the bones into the bloodstream to maintain a normal balance in the blood. Bone is a reservoir for storing calcium, which can be mobilized when needed by the body for various functions such as muscle contraction and nerve signaling. If calcium levels are consistently low, it can lead to weakening of the bones and other health issues.

How many calcium atoms are in 1.0 moles of calcium nitrate?

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There are 6.022 x 10^23 calcium atoms in 1.0 moles of calcium nitrate since calcium nitrate contains one calcium atom per formula unit.

How many electrons are in a calcium atom and in a calcium ion?

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A calcium atom has 20 electrons, as it has 20 protons to maintain a neutral charge. A calcium ion, specifically Ca2+, has lost two electrons, so it has 18 electrons.

What is the electronic configuration of calcium in calcium hydroxide?

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The electronic configuration of calcium is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2. In calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), calcium loses its two outer electrons to form Ca2+ ion, which has the electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6.

How do you make calcium sulphate using calcium carbonate?

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To make calcium sulfate using calcium carbonate, you can react calcium carbonate with sulfuric acid. The chemical equation for this reaction is: CaCO3 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + H2O + CO2. By mixing these two compounds, calcium sulfate can be produced along with water and carbon dioxide as byproducts.

What is calcium caltrate?

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Calcium Caltrate is a dietary supplement that contains calcium, which is an essential mineral for bone health, muscle function, and nerve signaling. It is commonly used to help support bone strength and prevent osteoporosis, especially in individuals who may not be getting enough calcium through their diet.

What is the the slogan of calcium?

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"Calcium: Building strong bones and teeth."

What is the antonym of calcium?

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The antonym of calcium would be a substance that removes or depletes calcium from a system, such as a calcium chelator or calcium antagonist.

What is the difference between calcium and calcium chloride?

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Calcium is a chemical element with the symbol Ca and atomic number 20. Calcium chloride is a compound made up of calcium and chlorine ions (CaCl2). While calcium is an essential mineral for the human body, calcium chloride is often used as a de-icing agent, in food preservation, and in various industrial processes.

Why do doctors recommend people over 45 years of age to drink milk and eat more foods that contain calcium?

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Doctors recommend people over 45 to consume more calcium-rich foods like milk to help prevent osteoporosis, a condition where bones become weak and brittle. Adequate calcium intake can help maintain bone density and reduce the risk of fractures and other bone-related issues as people age.

How many calcium ions in 0.625 mol of calcium nitride?

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There are 1 calcium ion in each formula unit of calcium nitride, which is Ca3N2. Therefore, in 0.625 mol of calcium nitride, there are 0.625 mol of calcium ions.

Is calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate the same?

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No, calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) are not the same. Calcium hydroxide is a compound that is used in construction and agriculture, while calcium carbonate is a common mineral found in rocks and used in various industries like pharmaceuticals and food.

How many atoms of calcium are present in 60.8 g of calcium?

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First you need to find how many moles of calcium that is. Since 1 mole of calcium is 40.078g you need to divide 60.8g by how much is one mole (60.8 / 40.078 = 1.517 moles). Once you know how many moles you have (1.517) you can find how many particles there are. There are 6.02 *10^23 atoms in one mole (Avagadro's number), so your final answer will be, 6.02*10^23 x 1.517 = 9.132 * 10^23

Is calcium chloride the same as calcium hypochlorite?

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No, calcium chloride and calcium hypochlorite are not the same. Calcium chloride is a chemical compound used for de-icing roads and in food preservation, while calcium hypochlorite is a chemical compound used as a disinfectant and bleaching agent, such as in swimming pools.

Where is excess calcium stored when blood calcium levels increase?

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Excess calcium is stored in the bones when blood calcium levels increase. This process is regulated by hormones such as calcitonin and parathyroid hormone, which help maintain calcium balance in the body.

If you are allergic to calcium what do you do?

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If you are allergic to calcium, it is extremely rare and typically not a standalone allergen. Speak with a healthcare provider for guidance on managing potential reactions and to determine if other underlying issues may be causing symptoms. Avoiding the consumption of foods high in calcium may be recommended, but consultation with a medical professional is essential.

What is the percent of calcium in calcium sulfide?

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Calcium sulfide has a chemical formula of CaS, which means one calcium atom is combined with one sulfur atom. The molar mass of calcium sulfide is 72.14 g/mol, with calcium contributing 40.08 g/mol. Therefore, the percent composition of calcium in calcium sulfide is approximately 55.6%.

Why is calcium in steel?

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Calcium is added to steel during the steelmaking process as a deoxidizer and desulfurizing agent. It helps remove impurities like oxygen and sulfur from the steel, which can improve its properties such as strength and machinability. Calcium also forms non-metallic inclusions that can enhance the steel's resistance to cracking and improve its overall quality.

What is calcium Trisodium?

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Calcium trisodium is a chemical compound that is used as a chelating agent, helping to bind and neutralize metal ions in various industrial processes. It is commonly used in water treatment, food preservation, and medical applications.

What is calcium farmulae?

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The chemical formula for calcium is Ca. It is a soft metal element that is essential for strong bones and teeth in humans. Calcium can be found in various foods such as dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and nuts.

How do the electron configuration of the calcium atom and the calcium ion different?

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The electron configuration of a neutral calcium atom is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2. When calcium forms an ion by losing two electrons, the electron configuration becomes 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6, which is the electron configuration of argon. The calcium ion has a stable octet electronic configuration.

Is calcium monovalent?

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No, calcium is divalent. This means it typically forms ions with a +2 charge by losing two electrons.

Do pears have calcium?

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Yes, pears contain a small amount of calcium, but they are not considered a high-calcium food source. Other fruits like oranges and dried fruits tend to have more calcium than pears.

How do calcium oxide and tetraphosphorous decaoxide balanced to get calcium phosphate?

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To balance the equation for the reaction between calcium oxide and tetraphosphorus decoxide to form calcium phosphate, you need to first write the unbalanced equation: CaO + P4O10 -> Ca3(PO4)2

Next, balance the equation by ensuring the same number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation: 3CaO + P4O10 -> Ca3(PO4)2