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If this persists for 4 months in a row...see a doctor it may be a fibroid and this requires intrauterine embolization in interventional radiology at a hospital.

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Q: 2 periods once a month 30 day cycle?
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Why do period happens twice in one month?

When you get your period depends on your menstrual cycle. If you have a 28 day menstrual cycle you will likely get your period once per month, where as if you have a 20 day cycle it is possible to have two periods in one month - e.g. you could get your epriod on the 1st of the month, then again on the 20th of the month.

How many times will an average woman ovulate in one year?

Once a cycle. A cycle is from the day her period starts until the day before her next period begins. There are women who do not ovulate on their own, and often times they do not get their periods as a sign of this.

What day of the month do periods occur?

They can occur on any day of the month.

What girls do in periods?

Once a month (or more specifically on a 28 day cycle), a girl begins to experience changes in her mood due to her hormones. She may begin to crave certain foods. Usually these foods are sweet and salty. The appetite change is due to the chemical reactions in her brain and her body that will turn her into a werewolf by the third day of her cycle.

Why do you have days and years?

They are just 'natural' time periods. The Earth orbits the sun once a year. The moon orbits the Earth roughly once a month, and the Earth turns on its axis once a day !

What do you mean by menstruation?

mensturation is anoter name for period. A girl gets their period about once a month and the first day they get their period is the first day of a girls menstruation cycle or mostly known as a period cycle.

I had Implantation 11 days after my period when my periods were irregular then next month they went regular for 3 months now its the 4th month and I'm 1 day late?

the implant will cause iregular periods, give it a while and if it doesnt start on your regular cycle call your doctor.

What does it mean when you get your period on an everyday schedule?

It simply means that you have a 24 day cycle. The average menstrual cycle is 28 day but everyone is different, and your cycles can change throughout your life too, a 24 day cycle isn't anything to worry about.

How to calculate length of a cycle?

To calculate the length of a cycle, you have to calculate the last day you see your periods and the first day that you see them.

How many periods do you normally get a day?

Periods occur each month not each day Periods last a minimum of 5 days and can range to 7 days.

If your period came on the third of last month what day will it come on this month?

that depends on how long your cycle is, and that can be a bit different from one woman to another. If you plot your periods in a calendar you can count the days and start predicting the next one yourself.

How do you count your cycle is it during your periods or after your periods?

You don't have to count days, it is 1 week a month. So say in May it's the 2nd week then it would be the second week of June, if that doesn't work for you then it's after it's finished for that month. Then you start counting days until the 28th day. Does that answer anything?