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Do a Google search for "Epinephrine"

Choose the wikipedia site, it has a picture of the molecule

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Q: Adrenaline contains 13 hydrogen atoms 9 carbon atoms 3 oxygen atoms and 1 nitrogen atom What is the chemical formula for adrenaline?
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How many hydrogen in adrenaline?

Each molecule of adrenaline contains 13 atoms of hydrogen.

How many hydrogen atoms are in adrenaline?

The chemical formula of adrenaline is C19H13NO3 - the number of hydrogen atoms is 13.

How many atoms are in adrenaline?

The chemical formula of adrenaline is C19H13NO3 - the number of hydrogen atoms is 13.

Is the R(-)- isomer or the S(-)-isomer of adrenaline more potent?

The R(-)-isomer of adrenaline is more potent. Its orientation allows its benzylic hydroyxl to form a hydrogen bond with Serine410 whereas this doesn't happen with S(-)-isomers of adrenaline.

What chemical does the body produce prior to taking a risk?

adrenaline. it is made of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys. the chemical just increases your blood pressure so your blood flows faster, making you very strong for a moment.

What is hydrogen compound?

It is a type of chemical compound that contains the element Hydrogen. Chemical compounds are molecules of two or more elements in fixed proportions. Ex. CH4

What is a chemical chain that contains carbon hydrogen and oxegyn?

You think probable to polymers.

What is the chemical chain that contains carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms?

It is called a fatty acid.

The chemical formula H20 means water molecule contains one?

It contains one molecule of oxygen and two molecules of hydrogen.

What is the name of the compound that is a mixture of fluorine and hydrogen?

It is hydrogen fluoride with chemical formula HF. It contains one fluoride atom and one hydrogen atom per hydrogen fluoride molecule.

Water which contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen?

The chemical formula is H2O.

Water which contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.?

The chemical formula is H2O.