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Q: An action or change in behavior that occurs as a result of a stimulus?
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What is an organism in action and change in the behavior that occurs as result of a stimulus is?

A response is an action of change in behavior that occurs as a result to a stimulus. The stimulus can be either internal or external.

Negative reinforcement the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated and publishment the likelihood of a behavior's being repeated?

Negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated by removing an aversive stimulus after the behavior occurs, thus strengthening the behavior. On the other hand, punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated by applying an aversive stimulus after the behavior occurs, weakening the behavior.

Difference between extinguished behavior and intermittent reinforcement of a behavior?

Extinction is the process of gradually reducing a behavior by no longer reinforcing it, leading to the behavior eventually ceasing. Intermittent reinforcement involves reinforcing a behavior only sometimes, which can be more resistant to extinction compared to behaviors that are consistently reinforced.

What is the difference between involuntary actions and reflex actions?

An involuntary action is a body process that occurs automatically regardless of external stimulus. In contrast, a reflex is an automated response to an external stimulus.

Define adaptation of sensory receptors?

When a stimulus is applied for a prolonged period, the rate of receptor response slows and our conscious awareness of the stimulus declines or is lost until some type of stimulus change occurs.

What are the basic tenets of behaviorism?

Behaviorism is a psychological theory that emphasizes observable behaviors as the main focus of study, rather than internal mental states. It believes that behavior is learned through interactions with the environment, and that behaviors can be controlled and modified through reinforcement and punishment. Behaviorists also believe that all behaviors, including complex ones, can be broken down into smaller, simpler components for analysis and study.

When salivation occurs in response to a previously neutral stimulus it is called a?

conditioned response, specifically in the context of classical conditioning. This type of learning involves associating the neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit the response.

What is the difference between involuntary action and reflex action?

Involuntary actions are movements or processes that occur automatically without conscious control, such as heartbeat or digestion. Reflex actions are quick, automatic responses to a stimulus that involve a specific neural pathway, like withdrawing your hand from a hot stove.

What is the rising action and the falling action of breathing underwater?

The rising action in "Breathing Underwater" involves the protagonist's escalating abusive behavior towards his girlfriend, who eventually files a restraining order against him, leading to his enrollment in a court-mandated anger management program. The falling action occurs as the protagonist reflects on his actions, begins to show signs of remorse and growth, and ultimately seeks to make amends with his girlfriend and change his behavior.

What is a difference between reflex and voluntary action?

The difference between reflex and voluntary action is that a reflex occurs naturally in response to some sort of stimulus and voluntary action is something that is consciously carried out. An example of a reflex action is gagging and an example of voluntary action is flinching when someone is going to hit you.

Which term describes a relatively permanent change in behavior or the potential to make a response that occurs as a result of experience?


Which type of smiling occurs as a response to an external stimulus?

social smiling