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Ferrets are not aggressive at all. It's the humans that abuses the animals.

When ferrets are babies, they explore everything with their mouth as any animal does , and if they tend to nip a little to hard, you train them as well. Frequent handling and socialization with humans is necessary, otherwise they will bite out of fear, just like any animal. Ferrets are not caged animals, you cage them for their protection, leaving them caged all the time, and improper handling could lead to aggression and fear biting. Ferrets have been used for centuries to hunt rodents, rabbits and rats, and can be aggressive towards these type of animals, it's a natural instinct. Mine aren't to bad. I suppose that it is a personality thing with them. My first one love to bite me when playing, but the 2 I have now just nip. Think of them as puppies that will never grow up. They LOVE to play, and don't always understand that you are not a chew toy!

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15y ago
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13y ago

I don't know the exact statistics, but I have 3 ferrets and at times they remind me of ants. They will drag objects 3x's their size and move barriers that are weighted down with a 20lb bag of litter.

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13y ago

Ferrets are very aggressive during mating. The male ferret will grab the female by the back of the neck with his mouth and drag her around for a while before mounting

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11y ago

Generally, no. They are very social creatures and do better in groups.

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