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Migraine is currently listed as one of Strattera's less common side effects, general "headaches" are listed as more common.

Strattera can also caused increase heart rate and hypertension (high blood pressure), even if people with no previous risk of hypertension. One of the symptoms of hypertension can be headaches, sometimes severe ones along with other symptoms such as blurred vision and nausea/vomiting. So if you or your child is on Strattera and have not had migraines in the past, it is important to have your doctor monitor blood pressure rather than jumping to a diagnosis of migraine immediately. A doctor is much more likely to look at a young person describing bad headaches that cause vision changes and nausea and vomiting and think migraine rather than high blood pressure.

Other sI'm also wondering the same thing. My 11 yr. old son has been experiencing severe headaches recently. He has been on Strattera for 7 weeks now. The headaches have become severe just in the past week or so. Now that Strattera is at the therapeutic level in his blood, I'm thinking it's definitely a side effect in some people.

The first day i took straetta it did triger a horrible migraine. on the second day i cut the dose in half and felt allot beter.

My 13 yr old daughter had her dosage increased 2 months ago, and is in the hospital now with a severe migraine- first one that I know of her having. It may be related.

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Q: Can Straterra cause migraines
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