

Can a father pay more child support then he makes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Well, logically its not possible right. What is he gonna do, give her his clothes? I would say it varies based on states, but In general the truth is yes. The reason is because if he slept with 7 different woman and had 7 different kids, then he would be in deep when he went before a judge. Yes.


He can be ordered to pay more than he earns, but federal law limits the deduction to 55% of gross. I've see cases of this in Hawaii. A judge will allow to calculated rental market value of on base housing to be added to the gross income used in setting the child support amount. The cost of a one bedroom apartment off base have be 6-8 times that of one on base, so that the difference is added to the gross. I've seen orders that equal 110$ of net income, so the extra becomes unpaid support, and the Navy man is classified as a deadbeat dad.

One of the problems currently facing reservists from all except two states is that if their income was significantly higher in the private sector, than their child support payments can exceed their military income. But, because it takes 6-12 months to get a hearing, they are unable to get a modification prior to deployment, so they fall into arrears. Upon release, they will be facing persecution for being behind in their payments and not refusing deployment. Only in Missouri and Illinois can they get retroactive reductions in their orders.

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some may sometimes. i am a child of divorced parents and my father makes more than my mom and still tries to fight paying child support. in his case no he has no legitimate reason. i think if a father is trying to fight paying his child support he should be thuroughly investigated as to why he believes he should be exempt from supporting the child he helped to create and is now leaving all responsibility with the mother.

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If you live in the US... Parents are required to financially support ALL their children. So if you have more than one child, you will pay child support for more than one child. Did that answer your question? I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.

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Yes you can get more support because child support is estimated by income of the payee.. go get it lolh