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You should not take castor oil or anything that might cause labor. Every woman is tired of being pregnant by the 8th month and wants it to be over. Let nature take its course, if you are not dilated, it is probably not time for the baby to come. If the baby is premature it could have many problems. Nature/God designed pregnancy to last 40 weeks for many reasons, Labor should not be induced unless the pregnancy is endangering the mothers health, and then only by the doctor. Besides, chances are you will only have diarrhea, castor oil is ineffective at inducing labor.

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11y ago

You must be pregnant. It is an old home remedy to drink castor oil to force you to go into labor. No it does not make you dilate but it will cause you to clean out your bowels which could possibly make your cervix dilate with the straining but no guarantee. I walked alot and blew up balloons and it worked.

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12y ago

No it doesn't have any effect on your cervix, it gives you diarrhea.

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Q: Should you be dilated in order to take castor oil?
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I drank 2 teaspoons of castor oil yesterday but all I got was gas should I take again today?

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It could be later today it could be 3 weeks from now. Just because you are dilated to something doen'nt mean labor is anytime soon...sorry. I have been dilated to a 3 for 2 weeks now :(

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Im 34 weeks pregnant had the celestone for thebaby's lungs and baby weighs 5 pounds is it safe to take castor oil?

I don't see how it could be safe to take castor oil, isn't it a laxative? It could cause cramps, and induce should talk to you obgyn before taking anything.

Is it okay to take castor oil after taking lactulose solution?

Yes, it's OK. But beware of the additional cramps. It's probably better to simply take enough lactulose to solve your constipation and forget the castor oil.

Im 39weeks and 2cm dilated if you drink castrol oil will it put you into labor?

If the baby has reached full term and you are pretty much ready to deliver, a little castor oil probably won't hurt. Many people claim that this is a valid and helpful way to facilitate delivery. Others say it does nothing. In general, it does nothing if you aren't pretty much ready to deliver. You should review this with your doctor or the delivery room staff of your hospital before you take any action. Considering that a baby is not considered "full term" until 37 weeks I would not suggest taking castor oil until you are at least 37 weeks (after consulting your doctor) Even though you are dilated to a 1, it does not mean that you will be going into labor any time soon. You can be dilated to a 4 and carry a baby for several more weeks. Even though it is proven that castor oil is more effective than some other natural induction methods, it is also debatable on how safe it is. Most doctors do not recommend castor oil until you are over your due date. Some other natural ways that you can help speed things up are: sex, spicy foods, pineapple (helps ripen the cervix), red raspberry leaf tea, walking, and most of all! Just relax!!! Your time will come when the baby is ready!!

My kitten ran into the wall and now has a dilated pupil in one eye Should I be worried?

your cat coudl either have a concussion or a severe damage on the nerves/in the brain. take to the vet, immediately!

How many times can you take castor oil during pregnancy?

I am a 36 mother of 4 i think i am pregnant i last saw my periods last month at the beginning of the month so can i drink castor trouble bring it down Answer Castor oil in a limited dose will help with constipation, not anything else. Take a pregnancy test and visit your doctor if you are pregnant.

If your eyes are dilated does that mean you are on drugs?

Next time you take drugs look in the mirror..if your pupils are dilated, then you are on drugs. However, if your pupils are permanently dilated it could be a potentially serious eye condition., which an optician would be the first person to ask, and he will conduct an eye test.

Is it okay to take a bath being 2 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced?

yes you can still do that.