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Yes, they can. But usually they only do this if you have interacted with them(cursing, spells, conjuration, attempted exorcism, etc.) Otherwise, they usually inhabit an establishment or object.

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Q: Can demons follow you
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Why demons follow people?

There are no such things as demons. It therefore correct that they can't follow people.

Will demons follow you?

Yes- if you believe in it. No- if you don't believe in it.

What chapter in the Bible warns us to not follow demons?

Chapter 12.

What exactly do the devils eat?

Demons, there are various types of demons. Some eats the anger and hatred among humans. They follow people who are constantly angry. Some demons eat excretion, saliva, blood. They dwell in unclean places. It is not just eating, they just consume bad energies left in those things.

Can you fight demons like Sam and Dean Winchester?

This show is a work of fiction. It is not recommended to follow in their footsteps or to immitate them in any way.

What demons can a non-member fight?

Lesser Demons, Greater Demons and Quest Demons.

What films include demons?

There are thousands of movies with demons a few are the obvious Demons,Demons 2,Night of the Demons which has just ben remade any exorcism movies will have demons in them as possesion is a demon trick.

Why do demons follow you?

Because in the anger, hatred, and rage, they have only one mission left in their miserable existence, and that is to see each and every human being dead and damned for all eternity. They are fallen angels, and they retain all their angelic power and might. They do not sleep, they have no bodies, and no bodily needs, and they are evil itself. Individually, we are no match for even the least demon, and without Christ, we are lost.

Are demons scum?

Demons were once people. If the people were scum, then the demons are too.

Are pokemon's about demons?

No they are not demons!____________________________________________________________lol -they are not demons!- though some of them look like it. . .

Are trolls demons?

No you idiot. Trolls are trolls. Demons are demons. The clue's in the name, baby.

Did God create demons?

In Christian theology, it is believed that God created angels with free will, and some of these angels who rebelled against God are now known as demons. These fallen angels chose to follow Satan instead of serving God, resulting in their transformation into demons.