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Yes, if you really can't find another one. Make sure you have washed and rinsed it thoroughly, several times.

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Q: Can i clean out a bleach bottle and use it as a water bottle?
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How can you clean mold from inside a water bottle?

You can use a baby bottle brush with a tbsp of bleach and 2 cups water to disinfect or if its too small of a hole to fit the brush in, you can always shake the bleach water in the bottle (with lid secure of course) until the mold is gone.

How do you clean mold and mildew off polyester?

with a mild solution of vinagar and water in a spray bottle and a cloth

Can you use bleach and water to clean a cut on my dog her paw?

No! Never use bleach on an animal! Clean the cut with soap and water. If it is bad, take her to the vet.

Is using bleach to clean pots and pans harmful?

Not if you clean the pot thoroughly and don't drink the water.

Can you use bleach to clean baby bottles?

no, never! Use hot soapy water then rinse them in warm water.

How do you clean a coffee maker with bleach?

You can use bleach to clean the carafe, but I wouldn't suggest using it in the coffee maker. If you wish to 'purge' the coffee maker, use a water and vinegar mixture.

What is the best way to clean a stainless steel chain?

There are many ways to clean a stainless steel chain. But in order to correctly clean it, the best way is to use bleach and add water to the bleach to clean it.

Can I use bleach with baking soda and water to clean the bathroom for soap scum?


How do you get bad smells out of your bathroom?

Use a mixture of bleach and water to disinfect and clean the room.

Can you use bleach to clean slate?

It is not recommended to use bleach to clean slate. Especially if you have colored grout because the bleach will cause discoloration.

Can I use bleach to clean my above ground pool liner I would like to remove the brown water line that remains on my liner?

You can use bleach to clean your above ground plastic pool liner. Use one part bleach to two parts water and scrub the stain wearing rubber gloves. Make sure to rinse the bleach thoroughly from the liner before adding more water in.

What do you clean the inside of a refrigerator with?

Use baking soda in warm water. Rinse well with clean rag to remove gritty feel. You can also use a mixture of vinegar and water, or bleach and water, or ammonia and water. If you use the bleach or ammonia, be sure to wipe down all surfaces with warm soapy water. Or, you could just use the warm soapy water.