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Yes, apparently it can. I just used a recipe that called for long grain rice and they specifically mentioned jasmine rice as a long grain rice.

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Q: Can jasmine rice be substituted in a casserole recipe in place of long grain rice?
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What is jasmine rice?

Jasmine rice (or), sometimes known as Thai fragrant rice, is a long-grain variety of rice that has a nutty aroma

Is jasmine rice healthier for you than long grain white rice?

Jasmine rice is long grain white rice. Jasmine rice has only been cultivated since 1953, when it was developed and officially named, Kao Horm Mali 105 variety (KDML105). The term Jasmine rice is a marketing name.

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Yes, brown jasmine rice is whole grain. [And Rooster brand is the best I have found of the 7 or 8 brands of brown jasmine that I have tried -- best taste and best consistency after cooking.]

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Use brown rice. It is also a whole grain. It will cook faster than barley so add it a bit later than the recipe indicates for barley.

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You can't use the whole grain. You can grind it in a blender or a coffee grinder and sift it through a fine strainer.

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That really depends on the recipe. In most recipes that call for molasses, leaving it out will change the flavor dramatically. Also if something is not substituted to replace the molasses, you may find the result lacking a sweetness. Often molasses can be replaced by half as much brown sugar, or even honey which results in a sweeter, less bitter taste. It can also be replaced by sorghum syrup, a substance similar in flavor to molasses, but made from sorghum grain as opposed the sugar cane.

Should you cook long grain rice first before you substitute it for minute rice?

If you intend to follow a recipe using long grain rice in the place of Minute Rice, you should cook the long grain rice first. If you don't, the rice will be under-cooked.

Is jasmine rice a whole grain rice?

Every rice starts it's life as a whole grain. But if you want to use only whole grain foods, you need to find whole grain Jasmine rice. Most of what is sold is polished (or white) Jasmine. You would probably find it in specialty organic or whole food supermarkets. If it says 'polished' then it's white. In my opinion for 'everyday' eating, go for whole grain. But for 'occasional' eating, there is no harm in using white rice, Aborio for example. Brown rice risotto just doesn't work for me, the texture is all wrong. There is not a lot more nutrition in rice with the bran on, but there is a lot more fibre (1-2g). So if fibre or weight loss are an issue, don't eat anything white. If you aren't watching your weight and are generally eating a lot of fruit and veggies, then the odd meal of white rice won't harm you! I hope that helps, :)

Can long grain rice be substituted for arborio rice in risotto recipes?

You will not get the same consistency, but you should be able to do it. You can cook rice in the same manner regardless of the type. It shouldn't take as long to cook.